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I posted the board president's communication on PT 7 Feb at 22:18:22. The recording secretary learned her name was w/in that communication and asked the board to not use her name on social media and to refer to her only as "the recording secretary". Rob removed her name in that post and I removed her name in a subsequent post when responding to Tom.
Tom wrote: I have issues with those that have no credibility and lie. There comes a point when I know people are making stuff up to suit their own position and I'll point that out when I have the time. Is that a problem for you?
Tom, those are strong accusations and I think it's geared towards me and I don't take it lightly. Anyone who knows me knows I'm anything but a liar. The things I report here are not made up and can be backed up by board or membership minutes and my ears and eyes at the meeting FIRST HAND info. There are other people who attend the meetings who could verify what I report here. Knocking my credibility is unfair if you haven't attended the same meetings to counter what I report here, so that speaks of YOUR credibility in that you have nothing to back what you are claiming..
Just bc you meet up with someone in Kapoho doesn't necessarily mean it's the person you think it is. Anyone knows that. Sometimes people share the same user name. So keep in mind there is that to contend with in your quest.
I join Leo in asking you to move on and stop the drama. This is getting WAY too personal now. Please stop.
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P. S. I'm also on three committees right now so a lot of information comes through this way. I know a lot of members who are very active as volunteers.
Leo, you asked about the home mail delivery option. What I heard from another volunteer is this...there is a mailbox committee (board committee) and one of the members on that committee is looking into home mail delivery. Dist 2 rep is not. Their meetings are supposed to be open to the public and their meeting schedule should be posted on the HPP website calendar so members can attend if they wish. That would be a source of information who has questions on mailboxes.
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"P. S. I'm also on three committees right now so a lot of information comes through this way. I know a lot of members who are very active as volunteers."
Apparently you don't get all the information because the following was posted on Facebook last night.The Post Office no longer offers home delivery except in a city setting.If they did start home delivery in HPP the Postal workers would all be dead from dog bites on the first day.
"Info from HPP mailbox committee. keaau postmaster has agreed to provide post office boxes for the entire park. one acre parcels will be developed on 16th and makuu and 15th and kaloli for cluster boxes. Pending the approval of the site plan from the post office for each location , there is already money set aside to develop these parcels. just awaiting the site design requirements from the post office. at this point no further money from hpp residents is needed or expected"
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Apparently you don't get all the information because the following was posted on Facebook last night.The Post Office no longer offers home delivery except in a city setting.If they did start home delivery in HPP the Postal workers would all be dead from dog bites on the first day.
"Info from HPP mailbox committee. keaau postmaster has agreed to provide post office boxes for the entire park. one acre parcels will be developed on 16th and makuu and 15th and kaloli for cluster boxes. Pending the approval of the site plan from the post office for each location , there is already money set aside to develop these parcels. just awaiting the site design requirements from the post office. at this point no further money from hpp residents is needed or expected"
and your source is HPP Facebook Next Door?
At what board mtg was this approved Obie? $100,000 set aside to be exact which came from road fee money. Where will the $$$ come from when that runs out? Where did the one acre parcels come from...did someone donate them? Dist 8 asked at a membership mtg "since when have we gotten into the business of buying parcels?" It sounds like your source is saying it's a done deal...I ask again, where did the parcels come from and who paid for it? At a board mtg I attended, the board president reminded everyone that we aren't to use any of our 20 acre lots for mailboxes. The zoning paperwork she had in hand clearly stated for parks and schools only. That's why the board approx in Jul/Aug 2017 shut that whole thing down to ensure there won't be any LEGAL repercussions.
Feb 6 2017 Special Board Meeting minutes:
"The mailbox unites are the largest cost. Estimated at about $50,000 per site to accommodate mailbox centers with lighting included in the budget bid. Full budget bid comes in just below $600,000 for all four sites. They asked an outside contractor for a bid and it was bid at $182,000. One of the ideas was for solar lighting that stands alone at the ends of each island bank of boxes. A spreadsheet was distributed and showed how the bid broke down to $795,598 e.g. approximately $800,000 for the full project to put in the four sites. Largest cost is in the box stands themselves coming in at $600,000 with about just under $200,000 for construction."
Obie, what board meeting was this approved? I've been attending all the board meetings and there is NO board approval for any of this to occur.. Cart before the horse, get your ducks in a row. ....that was the problem before and why many lot owners voted NO. Who's going to manage the money for the mailboxes? Is there going to be environmental impact studies and who will pay for that? How will it affect the main drag traffic? Did an engineer already draw up the plan? Who paid for that? Who's going to maintain the area? How much will that cost? The GM doesn't have the qualifications to engineer any of this so that would need to be outsourced.
I want mailboxes for everyone. It just needs to be done right. Certain board reps are reckless in their decisions with our $$$ bc they have their own agendas i.e. their legacy before they retire from the board? (dejavu Chip Seal) We don't need any more lawsuits caused by reckless board reps who don't know what they're doing and disregard laws. Zoning issue nixes the 20 acre parcels from the get go.
I'll be waiting to hear your responses Obie.
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Mermaid's post above"I'll be waiting to hear your responses Obie"......
How about mine, Mermaid? This is one of your best posts ever. Some of your well thought out points , I have copied below.
"and your source is HPP Facebook Next Door?"
"what board meeting was this approved?"
"since when have we gotten into the business of buying parcels?"
"where did the parcels come from and who paid for it?
"Did an engineer already draw up the plan?"
" The GM doesn't have the qualifications to engineer any of this so that would need to be outsourced."
This is totally unacceptable people.............a group of humans that can't even pull off the mandate of maintaining our roads and providing us with transparency on how our funds are being spent or even follow our bylaws are now suggesting that they get involved with something outside their stated purpose is not going to end well.
Who's going to manage the money for the mailboxes, ? Best question of all, escrow account? or do these funds get commingled with our road fees? AND WHY???? Totally Insane.
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It's official. Dist 1,2,3,6 and 8 deposed Lori from President position and Leslie from Treasurer position. Don't know how Dist 4 voted. Dist 9 rep Dave, resigned as secretary showing good backbone and character.
This is very bad news. The shade of transparency will be drawn down. Dist 2 rep is already maneuvering to somehow shut the FC down or leave them in the cold so they can't see what's going on w/the finances anymore. It's a membership committee and she CAN'T do that. Only the membership can do that...they're under the protection of the membership. This is unbelievable...
The mailbox committee under Dist 2's leadership will move ahead as I predicted, despite the membership vote of NO and despite that they can't use the 20 acres for mailboxes Have to rezone first and she does NOT care about the major details = reckless. People think the mailboxes are going to be free.
Watch real close's your money, not theirs.
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I’m sure it’s somewhere in this thread but it’s easier to just ask, what happened to the money that was collected for the mailboxes?
We voted no and didn’t send $ (and no, we don’t already have and don’t care about anyone else).
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Chas, Dist 2 rep claimed it all was sent back.
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mermaid, I may need to correct a couple things. From what I was sent last evening after the meeting, Districts 1,2,3,4,6,8 and 9 voted to remove Lori as the President. Although from the brief note I received, Dave, Dist. 9, did debate with and tried to counter the lies from Ruth, Dist. 2 and Patrick Murdouche Dist. 3 concerning the Pres. and especially about the malicious lies about the Pres. and Treasurer created by the office employees including the General Manager, to intimidate those 2 directors with civil rights complaints having been lodged against them by the employees. (I predict that this will result in more legal costs resulting in more wasted money resulting from the utter corruption oozing from the office ((think of the movie The Green Blob)).
The vote against Leslie, the actual qualified Treasurer, was Dist. 1,2,3,4,6 and 8 in favor and Dave Dist. 9 against after he tried to counter the others lies.
The note also says that Dave, Dist. 9, resigned as Secretary because of the possible legal jeopardy he could get into if he remained as a board officer. He said that after what those directors did last night, he sees this board having devolved into exactly the bad board he witnessed before he became a director. Another part of the note said that he thinks and has witnessed the office conducting a campaign (my word) of "obstruction from the office". And apparently he mentioned as an example, the obstruction of the Finance Committee.
The Pres. and Treasurer had told the other board members when they learned, after it had been arranged, that this meeting was going to be held, that they could not attend, because they had previous arrangements. Exactly the reason for the cabal to hold this meeting, why have them there to defend themselves and have to argue against truth and facts.
And now for a some what cryptic part of the note from last night, because the note writer was not sure of the meaning or facts: Apparently Ruth Dist. 2 said at the close of the meeting that the USPS is going to give HPP 8000 mailboxes (number uncertain). And as mermaid and I have said here and on the mailbox topic, "where are they going to legitimately put those boxes?". The 20 acre parcel that HPP owns are deed restricted and from what I have been told from people who worked on the mailbox project in the past, changing the deed restrictions would be very difficult and expensive.