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School Walkouts
There are two negative spins I've heard put forth in the media, social or otherwise, about these events. Obie has shared each, and both of them are bald faced lies no matter how often they're repeated.

Power to the people!
Originally posted by Kapoho Joe

Go ahead and walk out, your protest does nothing like all the protests before it...
Interesting point of view. Though I think it discounts even the American Revolution, from which all this confusion about gun rights and their role in society has come. Protest is (as HOTPE pointed out) at the core of just about every change in our history. Those kids yesterday were right up there with the best of them.

And as John said... "I hope someday you'll join us, and the world can live as one.."
Didn't they also say - "You say you'll change the constitution, Well you know, We all want to change your head"
Go ahead and walk out, your protest does nothing like all the protests before it...

Democracy is like a large ship, it takes time to turn, especially with legislators who get millions from the NRA. Here's what the student activists have accomplished so far.

The governor of Florida has signed a sweeping gun safety bill.

Breaking with the NRA, Gov. Rick Scott signed a gun safety bill on March 9 that raised the age for all gun purchases from 18 to 21, created a three-day waiting period for most firearm purchases, banned bump stocks, and created a program to arm and train school faculty. ( It's a bipartisan compromise — and has been criticized on both sides — but groups like Everytown for Gun Safety are considering it a major step forward given the NRA's stronghold in Florida (and its nickname as the "Gunshine State"). Naturally the NRA is suing to block the new law.

Oregon became the first state to put a new gun law on the books since the shooting.

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown signed a bill on March 5 expanding a law that prevents domestic abusers from owning guns. It closed the "boyfriend loophole," which let abusers or stalkers who aren't living with, married to, or have kids with their partners buy guns. "I’m proud to sign this bill, making Oregon the first state to take action to prevent senseless gun violence since the tragedy in Parkland, Florida," Brown said in a statement.

Major U.S. corporations have cut ties with the NRA.

The First National Bank of Omaha was among the first companies to divest, ending its production of a special NRA credit card. Delta and United airlines both ended their discounted rates for NRA members. Several major rental-car companies, including Hertz, ended their NRA discounts. The MetLife insurance company has halted its discount program as well.

Guns are in the national conversation instead of "now is not the time"

Not only have the students appeared everywhere from CNN to The Ellen DeGeneres Show, but they have kept the public's attention on gun control for longer than ever before. News outlets talked about the subject longer than after past tragedies and Google searches were up. Which means that — we can only hope — things will be different this time.

Students around the country are rising up against gun violence.

Inspired by the Parkland students, thousands of young people have participated in school walkouts, with the biggest one, the National School Walkout, planned for Wednesday, March 14. They're also inspiring students to register to vote as soon as they turn 18, with the 2018 midterm elections looking like they're going to be a turning point when it comes to gun control and many other issues. Together with Everytown, students are looking to #ThrowThemOut — as in, throw out lawmakers who offer "thoughts and prayers" to gun violence victims but continue getting funding from the NRA. (You can register to vote here.) They've even started a nationwide conversation on whether the voting age should be lowered to 16. Thousands here in Hawaii joined in

Students are marching in D.C. for the March for Our Lives

In Washington, D.C., and across the country, students are organizing the March for Our Lives on Saturday, March 24, to ensure that their voices will be heard.

"This is my school, this is my home," Hibshman said. "And I have lost 17 of my friends. I left early that day and something blessed me, and I will use that blessing to fuel my fire to make a change. We will continue to fight and we will not be silenced."

NRA doubled down against kids

They tweeted an AR-15 on the day of the march with no explanation. They've opposed any and all legislation changes. Either they are worried or enjoy playing the antagonist against kids. So while they've had only one march, they've done much more to rattle the leaders and NRA.

You have seven points in bold there Eric and here are my responses to each.

1) Florida is being sued over the age change and they will lose.
2) Oregon should have had that law 20 years ago.
3) Corporate sponsorship comes and goes.
4) If you think the "National conversation" is the width and breadth "from CNN to The Ellen DeGeneres Show", then you are mistaken.
5) I hope all the schools who allowed walk outs have an above average graduation rate.
6) Students marching (not studying).
7) Wow, the National RIFLE Association tweeted a picture of a RIFLE - stop the presses!

From the Hawaii Tribune-Herald coverage of yesterday's walkout in East Hawaii:

“I was actually tearing up a little,” said Waiakea High’s student body president Leira Joyce Vea after the event. “I was trying to hold it together. Almost all the sidewalks were filled. It was just really amazing to see our school come together.”

She sounds like a young woman perfectly capable of making up her own mind, and understanding the impact of her classmate's actions.

I said, ‘Wrong, Justin (Trudeau), you do.’ I didn’t even know. ... I had no idea. I just said, ‘You’re wrong.’ - President Donald J. Trump, 3/14/18
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Very interesting topic. The Eric1600-KJ debate: Eric's points are telling; all these things collectively cannot be dismissed.

Not only like a large ship turning but an iceberg flipping over. A tipping point. We are beginning the long, slow slog toward strict gun control. It will take many decades, but it will come.

Mass murder weapons in the hands of every person who wants them will end.
Bringing it back on topic. Pulled from Breitbart as it applies here as well. ( RWR )

Obviously, no one wants to have their children harmed. And it is a tragic event any time a child is harmed or killed. But, (this event) it’s more along the lines of media attention and using children. We have laws against exploiting children for any purpose. It’s right in our Connecticut law and I’m sure other states ( Hawaii right ? ) have similar laws. That is what the issue is for many parents.

Stevenson noted that Smith and Shugrue stated in their letter that “For students who do not wish to participate in this movement, an alternate location will be provided.”

“You have the official position of a public school saying, ‘We will allow these students to take this protest – we will encourage it, supervise it, facilitate it, and use taxpayer funds to do this – and those children who do not want to participate, ‘Well, we’ll have an alternative location for them to be,’” Stevenson asserted.

“Now, if you’re in that public school, and you’re a child in that public school, what is the pressure on you to participate with those others who are going outside, or to be ostracized in an alternative location, and, then, perhaps bullied later: ‘Why didn’t you participate with our march? We were all out there,’” she explained. “So, I think that creates a climate where children are endangered of being ostracized, alienated, and bullied unnecessarily. And this is something that is supported by the public school board and district staff.”

Which is fundamentally wrong ! - RWR

snarky signature snuck ... when I hear cnn quoted, i think about (blank)
"Pulled from Breitbart..."

Please, let's avoid spreading fake alt-right propaganda here. Breitbart is slime.. BS.. crap.. and anyone.. if they have even as much gray matter as a slug should know better!
I am quite frankly more concerned with the real and present danger of students being killed than speculation about being peer shamed for not attending a rally.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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