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School Walkouts
"Having traveled extensively in Europe, did you notice that European countries such as Belgium, France, and the Netherlands have even stricter gun-control laws than Australia does"

No, I didn't notice that, mostly because it's not true. For example, it's almost impossible to get a handgun in Australia. In Europe it's not that hard (at least in the countries that I know of).
"Australia is a socialist country"

Can you find Australia on that map?

(Sorry about the lack of Hawaii content, this is to show how misinformed the average gun supporter is, when they come with their bogus arguments for more relaxed gun laws in our state because it supposedly doesn't lead to more people being shot. Spoiler alert: it does lead to more people being shot.)

Originally posted by PaulW

"A valid hunting license or watershed permit is required to enter the area."
So much for that, or does nobody check?

I last went to a rifle range a long time ago and I wasn't impressed, accidents just waiting to happen.
Hopefully it's different here.

There are good gun ranges, where a rangemaster is there to be sure anyone not following the firearm safety rules, and rules of that range, either obey the rules, or get booted out. Then there are ranges where the rangemaster is an idiot, and let's a young teen age girl fire a fully automatic weapon, and gets himself killed through no fault of the girl. It's common sense that you don't put fully automatic weapons, or, say, 12 gauge shot guns, or magnum level handguns in the hands of a newby. Recoil, in the hands of some one with no experience, can be brutal.

A gun store worker in the Seattle/Tacoma area told me, he's seen a number of new customers buy a .44 magnum handgun and a box of ammo, only to return the gun with a box of ammo with one round fired.

If I went to a shooting range where the rangemaster was letting unsafe practices occur, I'd get the hell out and never go back.

This gun range near mile marker 16 will have nobody there, but the shooters. I've never been there, so don't know if it's common to be there by yourself or not.I would have liked to have a rangemaster there, the tougher the better, but maybe there won't be that many shooters there?

Jon in Keaau/HP

Sorry for my writing with so many mistakes. It's the darn meds I'm on for prostate cancer. The meds are helping me, but making me even more scatterbrained than I was before. I still play a pretty good game of chess though! Come play myself, and the other chess geezers (and one geezet, if that's a word), every Wednesday 9:00 am till 1:00 at the Ainaloa Long House.
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Look after yourself Jon!
I'm not sure I even want to debate anything with a racist.
Right on schedule, or maybe a little late, Paul has resorted to name calling and fact denying. As RWR wrote,"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”
I'm through, and I stand by all of my statements.

You listed as one of your reasons that people in the US have so many guns was because there are so many African Americans. What do you expect?

You stand by your obvious and proven falsehoods. That is the level of the debate with gun supporters.
Originally posted by PaulW
It’s too late to save the mainland, let’s try to stop it here.

Thanks Eric, I have no illusions. I lost all hope after Sandy Hook but the Floridians have made me wonder if maybe we can stop the madness one day.

An army man stating the obvious on Fox news provides some hope.
Originally posted by Old Croc

I'd like to see a link for that...
Actually, Id like to see a link to back up all the statements you made.. many of them seem far from factual.

Here's a few that suggest there to be a statistical correlation between guns and deaths. More guns more deaths. Imagine that.

1) America has six times as many firearm homicides as Canada, and nearly 16 times as many as Germany

2) America has 4.4 percent of the world’s population, but almost half of the civilian-owned guns around the world

3) There have been more than 1,600 mass shootings since Sandy Hook

4) On average, there is around one mass shooting for each day in America

5) States with more guns have more gun deaths

6) It’s not just the US: Developed countries with more guns also have more gun deaths

7) America is an outlier when it comes to gun deaths, but not overall crime

8) States with tighter gun control laws have fewer gun-related deaths

9) Still, gun homicides (like all homicides) have declined over the past couple decades

10) Most gun deaths are suicides

11) The states with the most guns report the most suicides

12) Guns allow people to kill themselves much more easily

13) Policies that limit access to guns have decreased suicides

14) In states with more guns, more police officers are also killed on duty

15) Support for gun ownership has sharply increased since the early 2000s

16) High-profile shootings don’t appear to lead to more support for gun control in the long term

17) Specific gun control policies are fairly popular

This is all from:

where you can see all the charts and graphs and read the articles explaining the above list..

And still, the simple point is, more guns more deaths. Less guns less deaths. As far as I can figure even gun enthusiasts should be able to see that, and be willing, eager, to have regulations put in place to minimize the problem guns pose.
1) America has six times as many firearm homicides as Canada, and nearly 16 times as many as Germany
And Canada's population compared to the US is what? Canada has 36 mil, US 325 mil. 6x36 = 216 Sounds like Canada is a killing field.
Those Canadian stats are usually stated per/100,000 population.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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