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Statement From Former Hawaii Rep. Charles Djou
Charles Djou has left the Republican Party, in part because:

"I can no longer stand with a Republican Party that is led by a man I firmly believe is taking the party of Lincoln in a direction I fundamentally disagree with, and a party that is unwilling to stand up to him," Djou wrote.

"Sadly today, too many Republicans either applaud Trump's tirades or greet them with silent acceptance," Djou said. "This leads to an implicit ratification by the GOP of Trump's undisciplined, uninformed and unfocused leadership as a core part of the Republican Party."

I always thought of Djou as a decent and talented politician. I hope he considers joining the Democratic Party so he can continue to bring his experience to the legislature in the future.

Some commenters on Punaweb have lamented that Hawaii is run by the Democratic Party. When even Republicans can't stand the antics of some members of the Republican Party, it doesn't bode well for their future here.

I said, ‘Wrong, Justin (Trudeau), you do.’ I didn’t even know. ... I had no idea. I just said, ‘You’re wrong.’ - President Donald J. Trump, 3/14/18
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
@HOTPE: While I agree that the Republicans won't be the answer to Hawaii's problems any time soon, Djou might serve himself (and the state) better by becoming an independent voice. I have seen several promising moderate and reform minded Democrats in this state become either co-opted or marginalized by "leadership" of the Democratic Party and its Byzantine power struggles. My hopeless fantasy is that some sensible people like Djou might form the nucleus of a centrist, reform minded movement. Who knows, it might even spread to Washington, where the two-party system seems to display a new failure every day.
"I can no longer stand with a Republican Party that is led by a man..."

If he thinks that this previous Clinton supporter/contributor (Trump) has anything to do with the Republican party (or any party, really) I'm not even sure where to begin.

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