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Things You Shipped...
Oh, yeah. One other thing. If you have leather ANYTHING, give it away or put it in airtight plastic. Those space saver things are your best friend -incidentally they have to be cheaper on the mainland than they are here. Ten bucks for one big one, no thanks! May as well give your favorite leather purses to a cousin or something because you won't get squat in a garage sale. I sold a Louis V purse for $35.00 and the witch wanted it for $25.00 and asked if it was real! I should have slugged her with it but that would not be good customer serviceSmile
Carrie hope you have better luck than I at keeping down the clutter, between my hubby and me we got rid of most everything and still have to much stuff! See 'ya pj

I think nature fills voids, Pam. It's gotta be a real effort I know.

John Dirgo told me last week about the leather problem. We are bikers so have boots, chaps, leathers, etc. We are definitely investing in some space bags. John said you can get them cheaper at Cost U Less. I went online just yesterday and saw a site that has them about half of that. All the sizes, too.

Tony has so many technical reference books for his work...I mean several boxes. I want to make sure we have a way to protect them from mold too. I know if we just keep them in boxes, they're done for.


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Edited by - carolann r on 07/30/2006 03:29:28

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Less is better! If you can transfer all your photos to cd that will save space. Leave the cleaning supplies but bring your tools and your favorite pots and pans. I would sell tv set and buy new here. Say Hi to Tony. Miss you guys.

Aloha Lee!!! Miss you! Hey we already sold our TV's...just have little one right now.

We had too many photos, Lee...I swear we threw some out and just couldn't go through them all - that's a project I'd like to tackle once we get settled, cd's sounds the way to go...easier to do a slide show type thing.

I was an avid collector of Blue Willow. Now it is in my almost 15 year old daughter's hope with her biological mother now...she also got the Princess House crystal and a whole lotta silver, some furniture too.

We're gonna use my mom's Johnsonville Pink China as EVERYDAY. We decided to use it and not just hide it away anymore like grandma used to LOL. So most of the old, cracked, cheapie stuff is going OUT before we leave.

We're bringing our Queen headboard and rails, etc. but will need to get a new matress set once we get there. After we arched all of the doorways we realized that our box spring would not fit down the stairs anymore LOL! Have to chop that one up before we leave. Mom's bed is one of those craftmatic twin beds for her's heavy but needs to come with. Really just a small wooden table, 4 chairs, 1 dresser, 1 chest of drawers and TONY'S TOOLS!!! (Oh and about 70 boxes LOL!)

I have a friend who just moved to Maui last month and it took TWO WEEKS for her trailer (she is starting a business - catered dinner on the beach) and truck to arrive...I thought that was great time.

We are bound by how long it takes for the cargo to arrive since all of Tony's tools will be onboard. He can't work without them. I told him he will really need to have a couple or few weeks off...he's gonna have a hard time with that - workaholoic kinda guy. "Need to bring the paycheck home." (We'll have to guide him into some Hawaiian Time...)


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Cathie and I shipped 4, 7x7x4 foot boxes of stuff over. When we flew out we each had 2 large suitcases (paid $50.00 each for the second bag) plus our carry on stuff. When we packed the suitcases I vacuum sealed a lot of the bulkier clothing such as a couple of winter coats if we wanted to go up to Mauna Kea or if we had to make a trip back to the mainland in the winter. It was amazing how much you can get into a bag that way! Things that tendency to mold got sealed before shipping in the crates as well.

This part is a man’s perspective on shoes. Get rid of all of them! All you need is a pair of slippas, tennis shoes, and house slippers. BUT WAIT!!! If you are a woman that loves shoes (are there any that don’t?) just bring every pair you own. If you try to sell them at a yard sale you end up just giving them away even if you won’t ever ware them again. When you get over here you’ll go on a buying spree to fill that void. This last statement would pertain to those that still have to still work for a living and in an office environment. Cathie doesn’t agree with this advice but this is just a man’s point of view!

If Tony is still going to turn wrenches for a long time then I guess that bringing the books would be good. I would think that I would really do some soul searching about the books.
I found that when working at new car dealerships they all had the latest and greatest manual every year. I would look at each one of them and think back as to how long it has been sense I last needed that manual. Is it one that would be duplicated in the shop? Tony might even call Carry and ask him how good the shop is set up with technical information. Most anything you want in the way of automotive information is available on CDs now and is easier to find things in. The only books I would have brought had I still turned wrenches would have been the training manuals that I had notes in. I always found that more important than any of the manuals but I was in a specialized field (transmissions).

Hope your move goes smooth we will see you at the next Puna Party where ever that will be.


What goes around comes around!

No need to bring spices, you can replentish your entire supply for just a few dollars at the health food store. However, unless you want to store it in the plastic baggies you buy it in, you may want to bring the spice bottles. But the spice itself is really inexpensive. I usually replace my entire spice rack once a year just to keep it fresh.

I know there is a health food store in Kailua, Waimea, Hilo and Keaau which has the inexpensive bulk spices. The health food store in Pahoa probably does too.

A lot of herbs are easy to grow, rosemary makes a nice hedge, basil grows well, mint needs to be contained to keep it under control, oregano is enthusiastic, chives just keep going along, sage and lavender would prefer it a bit dryer, I think, but many of your herbs can come from your yard. Hard to get any fresher than that!

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson
Thanks so much Royall...a lot of what he has are older technical stuff for cars that are not new. He's just gonna ship them 'cause it would take so much time to go through all of the paper and spend an entire week messing with books that will take up his time he needs to spend here finishing up the moving process on this end.

He just purchased a new laptop that is geared toward his Toyota will come in real handy at the shop since he is so used to having the latest technology here in Scottsdale, Arizona. The Big Island shop doesn't have access to as much as he does now, but with this new laptop it will fill in the blanks for him and make him feel comfortable about what he can access in his job. Anyway, it's a tool - so he can write it off next year too.

As far as the pictures go - they are already packed and in a stack of way am I goin' back through it now. It's been a real chore to toss out what we don't want or need and keep what we do. Still - we will have much less to ship than many people since the majority of our furniture is gone. Just really clothes, pictures, kitchen stuff, etc.

And then there's Chuy. I am going through his stuff today to get it ready to send to the Quarantine people (with a big fat check enclosed) so that he will have no problems coming over with us. He will be flying on my mom's lap - she got a doctor's prescription note stating that it's necessary for her to travel with him...that he is a comfort pet. He even has a little blue vest to wear with a patch that says "Do Not Touch - Service Animal." Very cute.

Well guys, we got word that the mortgage paperwork is going just fine, inspection done, appraisal done, house gets tented on the 8th, looks like we're gonna be good to go come the 1st or 2nd week in September. It's a scary/exciting feeling all at the same time!


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Edited by - carolann r on 07/30/2006 11:17:44

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Carrie, when we packed our books, we protected the snot out of them. Used heavy (6mil) plastic bags, bagged a handful of books, sealed bag, placed in larger 6 mil plastic bag lined box that had a small bag of kitty litter crystal stuff for a dessicant (we used ziploc veggie bags, but I don't think they make them, can also use those extra pantyhose). All arrived fine (sent USPS media mail). Opened one of the boxes here last summer & the books started warping, immediately purchased a used bookcase, placed the books & the kitty litter bags in bookcase, books ok. So have a sealed bookcase or other storage method to keep the books ok.
We drastically cut down our pocessions. Sold & gave away so much. Have been able to replace some stuff (dishes, pots & pans for less than we sold our other stuff.
Some of the weird stuff we should have kept? Since we have citrus trees, we should have kept our Juice-O-Matic, (luckily gave it to a friend who is sending it), Should have sent more things in plastic containers. We had a bunch, and did not realize the way it takes many shipments to have a choice of different containers (good for storage of so much stuff, esp. the things that need the kitty litter bags).
We ended up bringing things we may never need here, and not bringing some things we wish we had. (So I guess we came out even??)
Have found rummage sales, Thrift stores, the Keaau transfer station & all of the stores mentioned to have been great at finding those things we wish we had.
Aloha, Carey

Quote: Well guys, we got word that the mortgage paperwork is going just fine, inspection done, appraisal done, house gets tented on the 8th, looks like we're gonna be good to go come the 1st or 2nd week in September. It's a scary/exciting feeling all at the same time!

Carrie it is scary to leave ones friends and family. We moved over last September. It would have been easier if we had found the Punaweb sooner. We did get a lot of information from the “other web” but with so many of those readers on the west side we just didn’t know anybody. The one bright spot was Pam Lamont. She was so helpful. We were in need of a big island phone book and she sent us two via priority mail and out of her pocket. Sense then we have met so many great people from this web site. Thanks Rob! Keep up the hard work and we’ll see you guys soon.


What goes around comes around!

Royall - you are SO right. This move could not have happened in half the time or coming to the BI as well informed as we are! We leave our nearly 15 year-old daughter and 16 year-old son. That's the only rough thing. Right now they live with their mother and we really don't get to see them very often. They're teenagers and seem to have so much going on all the time. The very cool thing is that every summer they will each come out (separately LOL!) for a whole month to spend with us. Gena already has a girlfriend picked out to make the trip with her. I know they will have a great time riding bikes and checking out the neighborhood. We'll love taking them around the island for the cool beaches and snorkel spots!

Also - we are thinking about having them once during the winter season for a week or two.

This forum is invaluable. I try very hard to be as helpful to others as you all have been to us. When you get so many personalities together in one place sometimes toes get stepped on unintentionally. That's just the nature of the beast. However, I have laughed more often than not at the open silliness that happens in the face of a tense moment!

The information accessible through this forum is so valuable. There are topics that came up that I don't really have direct use for but have been curious about the process and nearly everyone has been so easy to talk with.

Mahalo Royall...can't wait to be your neighbor - your house looks great and in a pretty place.


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Edited by - carolann r on 07/31/2006 06:00:37

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

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