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The waaaaaiting is the hardest part...
That's the right idea. Trudge along...a friend of mine reminded me that to trudge means to walk with purpose.


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Edited by - carolann r on 08/04/2006 06:23:33

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
If the "St. Joseph" thing doesn't work, maybe you need to get a chicken, break it's neckSad and drip blood on the porch. Believe it or not there is some hocus-pocus thing in the Rio Grande Valley (Texas) that involves that very ritual. Not sure why, but it can't be any less or more effective than burying a statue (aka graven image, LOL) in your yard.
Carrie with all that you all have done, surely your house will go in a heartbeat. We added a cedar lined walk in closet (here it could be rented out as a small apt.!) which I payed contractors dearly to finesh. Five years of pleading to get this done: shelves, shoe rack, the whole enchilada. My neighbor informed me that the new buyers (young couple with a baby) tore it out and left it by the curb for the trash man to haul away!! My gosh, the cedar alone would almost make one months mortgage payment!! Hope your buyer will appreciate all of the special touches you guys made. Practice patience because you sure will need them here!!
Our house went on the market in May of '04 and it closed at the end of June '04! All I did was clean, clean, CLEAN and repaint the decks (FOUR of them, big fun let me tell 'ya), plant a fresh flower bed for added curb appeal and prayed like the dickens that it would sell. It not only sold but we made MORE than I thought we could get in my wildest dreams!! I will pray that you, msmoto and Carrie will have the same good fortune!

Oh, and Mella and Gene, you know you are on my list already! You guys can't get here fast enough as far as I'm concerned. pj

pj, you crack me up Smile Why do I like the idea of breaking the chickens neck more than burying poor St. Joseph face down on the front lawn? Guess I'm one twisted hombre...

I also did lots of work that was "undone" after we moved out, so I can relate to your frustration. In fact, it happened with the last two houses I sold: both I completely painted by myself, outside and in. Within a couple weeks house #1 was completely re-painted. And house #2 is being re-painted as I write this. Wasted effort? Don't think so cuz they both SOLD. That's all that matters.

To ALL the folks out there in limbo: just keep believing, be flexible, and try to relax and enjoy the process. If you do there's nothing in this world that can stop you from coming here.


A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Well chickens are safe with me (except for the ones I buy and I only like the breasts anyway LOL!!)

Well today my Mom had lunch with her friend who is Sicilian and she said they did the St. Joseph statue and it worked for them...these people are very Catholic...rosary EVERY afternoon. They have it in their living room. She said that once your house sells you need to dig up the statue and plant flowers to thank St. Joseph. They said you really have to believe it will work.

So -- I'm gonna get my neighbor Michelle to send us the St. Joseph statue after the house sells and send it to Hawaii!

As far as what they do to the house after we leave -- well, I'm glad we'll be gone is all. This was going to be a dream house for us and we actually did not do a lot of the things we would have done - if we had continued to live here. But I think I just have to bless it - and let it go. We'll be busy working on our new house...adding a large slab in the back and making our lanai wonderful, Tony needs a workshop, etc.

I understand why realtors don't like to show the house with anyone's a killer to hear what people have to say about your home...I couldn't listen to them discuss what they would change or how they would paint it. We did everything in very light colors: linen and soft white with bright white molding...that way they can see it as an empty canvas. However, my kitchen is a beautiful faux paintjob I did myself. But that's the only room in the house with any color...and we would have laid saltillo tiles to make it "hacienda" like...but we went with a cream/bisque ceramic tile to appeal to the masses per our realtor.


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Our house went on the market here in Maine today. Cant wait to get back to Puna but things will happen when they are supposed to so we will try to be patient.The dog has been to the vets and all his paperwork is done and he is ready to go.

Hey msmoto, sharing the boat w/ya!

I started teaching at Pahoa High/Int last week and my husband had to return to the mainland to...wait for the house to sell! It's been on the market for over 3 months in a resort market (Steamboat Colorado); we've had a lot of lookers but no offers yet. The city folk keep asking about where the lot lines are. We just shrug and point to the forest ("out there somewhere"Wink We were just happy the local bear didn't wander thru when someone was over...yet! We tried FSBO for while but the local realtors won't show FSBOs so we got a realtor. One of the first things he did was tramp out and find the corners. He's been getting us a lot more showings.

I have to remind myself that it hasn't been on the market all that long and not get down about it. The biggest bummer is hubby and I being apart for our 30th anniversary coming up. We hope it won't be for more than a couple of months. We are so anxious to start building on our HPP lot. I'm sure there's a lesson about patience in all this, right?

Good luck too! Linda
We still have a house for sale in the Atlanta area - our timing proved to be off by a year as well. Like others, the house was all redone, paint carpet, roof, etc before going on the market.
BUT a slight twist for us - Option 1 we could have stayed in Atlanta until the house sold and continued visiting BI and hoping to make progress building our house or Option 2 move prior to the sale and concentrate on building and hope the Atlanta house sells. Basically, it came down to 2 things - what we wanted most and the number$. Somewhat surprisingly, it turned out that staying in Atlanta would cost us more month to month and chances of getting much progress would be slim. Of course, we'd really like to sell that house, but we are making great progress building, plus the daily joys of living here on BI.
Anybody need a house near Atlanta?


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
Even though I'm a uh ahem (renter shh, I found this thread very encouraging. And thanks for the reminders from Dr. Dyer. Have lots of books of similar thought - just need to get back to believing, bringing my vibration level to that of what I want. As Hawaii's Urban Shaman Serge Kahili King says, "Where attention goes, energy flows."
The monkey wrench thrown into my plans seems small compared to some of yours, but it's still been a challenge. With 120 days countdown for the cats from about mid-August, we plan to be on the BI for Christmas. The property manager of the house I rent gave me 30 days notice that the owner's coming back Sept 1 to live in it and remodel. So I'm faced with finding a rental just before fall term starts at our university (college town) and too boot one that is month to month and isn't going to mind us leaving four months later, on top of the allowing pets, etc. Friends say the Universe is saying "may as well move to Hawaii now," but the cats are part of our family. I'm trying to look at this as a "practice" move lol. Well, I do have a lot of clutter. There's always the chance of ending up in a home with less rent, even here in Ashland, the most expensive town in Southern Oregon, allowing more to be saved. But this is all really stretching it. There's really no good reason to have to move twice. Just one of those things we gotta do - like burying a St. Jospeh statue in the yard or appealing to the higher powers for admittance of a domestic cat that has been unfairly put on the unwanted list. I know! It's a test of our true desire to be in Hawaii - nah, I didn't believe that either. Thanks for your inspiration...I too am up to late and rambling...Let's just all hold those positive thoughts, and if that doesn't work Mella, I can handle adding a rather unusual looking housecat to our


Aloha Cindy! Renter is not a dirty word LOL!! You've got some decitions to make fast aye? I checked around before we moved my Mom in with us to find a short-term rental place. Not easy to find, but there were places that were willing to rent on a shorter lease - 6 mos./3mos. There are companies and all they do is find rentals. Sometimes it's like 50 bucks or so...don't know you your area. We live in a resort area as well (Scottsdale, Arizona area) and I swear it costs as much to rent an apartment as to buy a dang house!! Fuggit abouddit.

I told Mella she should give her kitty a dye job too. LOL!


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

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