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2018 HPP District Elections
Let me add paranoid to delusional.
Obie, if it makes you feel better you can add whatever you want but it isn't going to change a thing.
Is there anyone out there who hasn't received a ballot that should've? If you live in Dist's 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, you should've received a ballot/s approx 2 wks ago. There are reports w/in the small circle of people involved on committees or NW saying they have not received their ballots. If you haven't received a ballot by now, please speak up.

There are people who live in Dist 7 (not in a district having elections this year) and received ballots for Dist 2.

A list of volunteers has been submitted to the board via email comprised of 5 members who want to observe the ballot count at Nanawale. It is their right to observe and it is hoped there won't be any board interference.
It turns out the list is growing of people who haven't received their ballots in different districts.

The pres and GM are adamant that they won't send out a 2nd ballot to those folks because they sent them a ballot already...that they may be trying to rig this election....

There is a solution to this and the Nominating Committee is trying to help but to no avail so far. Patrick Murdoch, appt'd by the board to fill a vacancy for Dist 6, told the NC that they are dissolved.

1) They can't deny members the right to vote.

2) The board can't dissolve a membership committee, only the membership is authorized to do that.

If you haven't received your ballot, please email your board rep and copy the whole board.

The board is still trying to control every aspect of this election which is a conflict of interest = board meddling. Patrick Murdoch is appointing himself and the GM as observers for the ballot counting. They say Nanawale will only allow 3 observers....don't know if this is true or not. Which would only leave 1 spot for a member...the GM is paid to focus on our roads, not observe the membership's election ballot count.

There will be a special board meeting coming up to discuss this before the June 1st ballot deadline.
Special board meeting coming up on 29 May at 4 PM. This meeting will be focused on the business that was to be conducted at the 17 May board meeting that was cancelled.

They did add something to the original agenda after the Nominating Committee recently submitted a list of volunteer members who want to observe the district election ballot count at Nanawale Estates. A board rep, Patrick Murdoch who expects to be one of the observers should recuse himself after all his meddling in the elections, i.e. his work with the GM on creating the draft ballots. That was the Nominating Committee's job per the bylaws. There is information on the ballots themselves that is considered personal member information that had NO purpose to be on the ballot. This could cause a potential liability to the association. The NC advised Murdoch, the GM and the board to remove it before it went to the printers but they ignored the NC.

The NC requested NO EMPLOYEES as an observer since Nanawale supposedly is limiting it to 3 observers. We have 4-5 who want to observe. The GM on our dime, has observed 2 election ballot counting events so far. They expected he should do it again this year.

Here's the agenda:
The special board meeting posting on the HPPOA web site says Sunday the 29th. One of those 2 date designations is wrong. I suspect the meeting is actual on Sunday the 27th since the time listed is 4:00PM.

Just one more example that can now be added to a very long list of office employee incompetence.
Huge agendA lol

Dan D

One more error. In fine print under the agenda title it says Tuesday. I suppose the board will need to clarify whether the meeting's on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday....[?]
the board will need to clarify whether the meeting's on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday...

Perhaps they could put it to a vote?
Perhaps they could put it to a vote?

That's funny kalakoa [Smile]

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