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Dead goats being dumped on side streets
Don't let it get your goat

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile

the goat is still dead.... and now a pile of bones! amazing how quickly it was dessimated into a skeleton so rapidly.
much mahalo for all the feedback. and the jokes..... awesome and so punny!
Shouldn't that have been Goat Busters?

Ha Ha Ha Ha .....rolls off chair onto deck scaring dog.
Good one PaulW
See, the pigs are good for something besides tearing up your yard!
When we have a larger livestock animal die (goat, sheep, etc) I drag it to the back of the property. Either the flies eat it over several days, or the pigs eat it more or less overnight.

"Er....wouldn't some dismemberment be appropriate? Speed the process."

Some people like to save the skulls/horns. I had read that you can cut it off and put it in a wire cage (like a sturdy wire dog kennel) and the flies will pick it clean but the pigs won't be able to destroy it. The pigs leave VERY little behind, sometimes just larger vertebrae or the thick part of a jawbone, and nothing else.

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