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2018 HPP District Elections
Just an one has heard the election results yet. No Orientation meeting has been scheduled either and the membership meeting is less than a week away.

Election results to be announced at the board meeting 20 June, that's this Wednesday evening. Meeting starts at 6 PM in the library.

I have mentioned here that I have lived here for a very long time and know people who have lived here even longer. Even though things have gotten bad here before, it has never had this degree of animus.I guess that is something the board members for the last almost 4 years have to their credit. It has been difficult to not be able to be involved but as I have stated before, I am gone for large chunks of the time now.So I sit far away and wonder why we don't have the election results. Why is it that 1 or 2 people dictate a decree and the rest follow.Why are people not able to think outside the box then fit it inside. It isn't that hard to not just follow but to think critically but it seems so few can. I am fortunate to have a lot of contacts and I read the information that is available and can deduce quite a bit. For the last several years,it appears that the board or GM make a bold outrageous comment or demand and anyone who could stand up to them and just say no does not. Instead we have quite a few people who seem to thrive on all the drama and chaos. There is a flurry of rhetoric that flies around... "Oh he can't do that" , "can you believe this?"etc. etc but that is all it is, a flurry of rhetoric, then it dies down until the next big event. My point is.., this is exactly why they have retained power. They stick together and will fight and lie tooth and nail together. The members have not. There have been to many people who won't work as a joint force until they succeed. My hope is that tomorrow we all learn that we now have a new horizon. My fear is that the GM and board have figured out a way to throw the election results into ruins so that it all needs to be redone. I believe they will do anything to retain control. If we are so lucky that things do change I hope each board member thinks long and hard about what kind of board member they want to be. If they want to be in charge they need to rethink it. If they talk over people or interrupt and monopolize the conversation they are not listening or invested or even really care what the others cause is because they are only thinking about what they can and will say.(listen...please just be great listeners. That really is a large part of your position... not talk talk talk). If they have their own agenda, they need to put it aside, if they spend lots of time doing things behind the scenes,things that are in only their best interest, they need to stop, You are not a team player if you do things like this, if they think they are the only one who knows what to do, they are not a good leader. When I was in the corporate world I always surrounded myself with extremely qualified, intelligent people. Even if they were not my favorite, I knew they were best for the company and my team, my personal feelings were irrelevant and were left at home. Frankly, many times my least favorites ended up being my best ever employees and people I still stay in contact with. I hope the new board can take this to heart. You are there to do what is best for ALL of us. This is not your show. Surround yourself with the most knowledgeable people, especially if you get the chance to chose any one. HPPOA can be a great place if the board does what it is suppose to do. Roads, roads, roads and a hospitable environment. Let members do the creative things and gather a great strong group of people who can and will work together. Put on your big boy/girl pants and act like a true leader and stop the vitriol. I hope that if 1 board member causes any shenanigans the rest will nip it in the bud immediately. People can act like big babies at home. We have lots of fences to mend and 4 years of damage to repair. This is not the time for any pettiness.
I don't know if you attended the Meet the Candidates event or not Katarina. Craig Crelly who was running for Dist6 and Ruth Mizuba who was running for Dist2 didn't attend. The other candidate for Dist6 was handling a family medical emergency. All the other candidates were there. There was a Q&A by members and there were some direct and detailed questions.

Every candidate who spoke had the same priorities....roads, roads, and roads, transparency, transparency and transparency with our finances. Unfortunately that has NOT been Crelly's or Mizuba's priorities as is evident in the way the park has deteriorated over these rep's terms in office, 3 1/2 - 4 yrs. No one knows what's been going on with our money.

I don't understand why Crelly and Mizuba didn't attend. They were sent an invitation like everyone else.
Originally posted by BillyB

"Hawaiian Paradise Park is holding a "Meet the Candidates" event on Sunday, 29 April 2018, from 6-7:30 PM at the Hawaiian Paradise Park Activity Center. This year, district elections involve Districts 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. (District information is posted on the HPPOA website)

I don't think they have ever done this before, should be interesting.

Actually, it has been done in the past.....complete with balloons and refreshments! The candidates were up on the stage with an allotted time to pitch there qualifications. Then they sat at tables that were allocated to each candidate. Each table had a balloon with the District number on it so members could easily find their candidates. If a District had more than one candidate, each would have their own table. Members could sit and talk to each candidate and ask questions. It was a good way to get to know the people running in your District.
Originally posted by Chunkster

I can recall at least one instance about seven years ago when the vote counting was done by the League of Women Voters in the Activity Center main hall. Anyone who wanted to observe could have watched, and about half a dozen members did. The results were announced as soon as they walked to the office and had one of the staff type up the list of winners. It was that transparent. Things sure have changed, and not for the better.

Yup......and originally they used the Library, with observers.
Originally posted by mermaid53

The elections are a members' annual event and it would seem then that the members should be informed as soon as possible. The employees knew the "official" results as of yesterday. Why not the members?

As a courtesy, the candidates should be informed first before any election result announcement is made.
We used to notify and congratulate the winners as soon as we got the certified results. This was done not only as a courtesy but to let them know to show up for the General Membership Meeting to be introduced.

We also sent a thank you letter to the “also-rans”.

The results were announced as soon as they walked to the office and had one of the staff type up the list of winners.

We waited for the June Membership Meeting.

Chunkster. do you know if the candidates were informed of the results before the public announcement was made?

Yes, but given that things have been done differently since my time there, I suppose the certified result letter could be scanned and posted on the website......but only after the candidates have been notified. That might serve as a verification that the counting tallies are accurate.
I remember when the ballots were counted here. There was never the secrecy. It is an HPP event actually.So, we can assume there is something in the works... be prepared for it. I have not been able to attend much of anything for the last few years. My point is, the district board member represent us. For far to long that has not been the case. I know there has been a lot of people pitting 1 against the other and bad mouthing certain members for the purpose of building 1 person up at the expense of the other and the reasons were personal. This is not the kind of people we need running the show.If we can get professional management then a lot of that will be eliminated.Still there always seems to be one who wants/craves the spot light and is willing to discredit another to get it. No place for that.
I don't understand why Crelly and Mizuba didn't attend.
They don't need to. Wink, wink.

The old adage speaks for itself."Actions speak louder than words".
Watching and listening tell more than rhetoric.

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