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"I think the attempt here is to lay a table of options," Arai said. "Basically, we're saying you all have different needs, these are the options available to you in an attempt to make you whole."
Somehow I just can't understand why this is so complicated.
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kalakoa @08:43:36 06/28/2018-
You're obviously not a County Employee.
So you didn't get the special "mulling
over the options" training.
That's why you don't understand.[
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County mulls options for housing of lava evacuees
mull - transitive verb
civilian definition: reflect deeply on a subject
County definition: overtime
I alternate between thinking of the planet as home — dear and familiar stone hearth and garden — and as a hard land of exile in which we are all sojourners. Today I favor the latter view. The word “sojourner”... invokes a nomadic people’s sense of vagrancy, a praying people’s knowledge of estrangement, a thinking people’s intuition of sharp loss: “For we are strangers before thee, and sojourners, as were all our fathers: our days on the earth are as a shadow, and there is none abiding.” - Annie Dillard
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
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County definition: overtime
Overtime while figuring out which buddies can bid on the contract -- if the problem doesn't solve itself by people giving up and moving away.
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Almost hated to post something serious on this thread.....the posts are so funny!
Have you had a chance to watch this video? (link below)
I found it to be very informative.
Russel is asking for support from the residents for his proposal.......relocation for homeowners on State owned land. He says he has a "yes" from the State for the land (between HPP and Beaches) , long term leasehold, offered first to those who have lost their residence to Lava. He says that the homes could be built in approx. 12 months... envisions the homes toward 130 with ag lots makai . I still find his proposal worthy of support. Joy , however, did not seem to keen on the proposal, not sure why.
All seemed very open to trailer homes, manufactured homes for lava zones under 3. Russel was in favor of a building moratorium in Lava Zone 1 but thought including lz2 at this stage , a little much (my words).
so, very worth the time to view....great forum! Any ideas? Please pass along to Russel or Joy. There will be a special session in's the time to give your mana'o.... Who knows, we might just have a hand in our future.
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I can't get past the fact that there are tens of thousands of existing available lots throughout Puna- or the rest of the island for that matter. Is this some form of Gerrymandering? (Not an accusation, a question). Why are they so desperate to locate these leaseholds in one particular district?
To me, adding a new and unnecessary subdivision (leasehold no less) fails the common sense test. But then again, so do politicians.
We don't need more solutions looking for a problem. Land swaps aren't necessary. If you want to help these people, allow them to deed their lava properties to the county or state in exchange for a tax credit or buyout. Let them decide where they want to live. They could offer a tiered system- if somebody wants to trade in their lava lot and:
Buy property and reside on island: Highest payout
Don't buy property on island and reside in state on or off island: Second highest payout
Move out of state: Lowest payout
Keep their lava lot: No payout
The payouts could be in the form of tax credits/rebates available over a 3 year time span. The only thing being pushed is paperwork, no bulldozers or overly complicated re-inventing the wheels of bureaucracy required.
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I'm with terracore. Ruderman's idea for a new subdivision isn't a good one. Given the waste and incompetence associated with state and local government, what makes him think that they could manage this effectively? It would cost two or three times whatever they initially say and probably not be done well at all. With thousands of lots in existing subdivisions, it's a no-brainer to relocate people to them. This is not the time to get the state into the land and housing housing development business because it would probably be a disaster of a different kind.
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But they need more empty lots to collect more taxes, not the ones they already have in upper Puna.
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Originally posted by Chunkster
I'm with terracore. Ruderman's idea for a new subdivision isn't a good one. Given the waste and incompetence associated with state and local government, what makes him think that they could manage this effectively? It would cost two or three times whatever they initially say and probably not be done well at all. With thousands of lots in existing subdivisions, it's a no-brainer to relocate people to them. This is not the time to get the state into the land and housing housing development business because it would probably be a disaster of a different kind.
The State and County have been in this business since 1955...create a high risk pool for insurance, which we all pay for, and let the business Begin!
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create a high risk pool for insurance, which we all pay for
Gee, when you put it that way, it sounds like some kind of scam.