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Council sure is busy

No viewing area, no replacement housing stock, no help for small businesses impacted by the lava. At least they're finding ways to spend the GET increase.
kalakoa @ 07:02:02 07/25/2018-
The Council isn't weighing in on open and concealed carry????!!!!
Just sarcasm.
I just think (feel?) there is no sense or rationality anymore.
For that one needs to immerse oneself in Kafka and Ionesco.
Or at least that absurdism looks like reality.

edited for absurd syntax and and other stuff.
Also somewhat ... disconnected:

Ignoring the obvious "but those resources are for enforcement, and that's what a manhunt is", apparently those resources should be better spent:
Not that they would actually do it, but does the county council have the power to instruct the police on what their priorities should be? The cops and prosecutor have obviously ignored the will of the voters regarding marijuana enforcement, and since this thread is about the council and the subject of pakalolo came up, I thought I'd ask.

“‘Fissure 8’ is not a good name,” said Puna Councilwoman Eileen O’Hara “The number eight is the symbol for infinity, and we don’t want an infinite eruption.”


I don't even want to respond to that.

#6 Damn that's harsh, people are hurting in puna, infastructure is poor, schools are poor, hospital is poor...etc...etc... Yet we find the cash to give Harry Kim a raise, and to fly around in weed choppers? Wow... Looks like we need to fire a bunch of people for not doing their jobs.
“‘Fissure 8’ is not a good name,”

First let’s fight over whether fissure 8 needs another name.
Then fight over who gets to submit name suggestions, and who gets to decide.
Or do we vote on it?
Then, fight over the name that’s selected because Fissure McFissure Face is too haole.

I could go on... but while we’re distracted, pay no attention to the great and mighty mayor & council behind the curtain.

Is the jury still deadlocked? The odds that natural climate variability can account for the magnitude of the temperature changes over the course of the satellite record are roughly five in a million, researchers report. - Science, July 19, 2018.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Personally, I think the owners of the fissure should be the ones to name it.
After all, the eruption is on lots in LE that are owned by people.
It only follows that the cinder cone that will remain when the eruption ends will belong to them.
Once again the county is trying to usurp the prerogatives of its citizens.

- - - - - - - - - - -
Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
Cant eradicate meth or wanted felons, Cant stop crime, Cant find missing people, Cant Rescue stranded wildlife, Cant fix the homeless problem, Cant stop illegal dumping, Cant fix the potholes on the road, I think the county is the weakest link. Time to try something else.
“‘Fissure 8’ is not a good name,”



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