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Ruggles Excused
Ironyak posts:

"Not sure what the big hub-bub is. If it's an invalid claim without merit then County Corporation Counsel should be able to provide a formal legal statement to this fact, right? I can appreciate Jen's interest in legal clarity (even if it is inconvenient)."

I concur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is always the part of politics that i despise. Puna politics seem especially prone to this. Someone with power or a loud voice goes off on some kind of tangent, and it holds everything else up. It throws a spanner in the works of the whole way things are supposed to function. Ruggles may or may not have a valid point, and I have usually agreed with her politics, but to drag her feet over something like this is kind of selfish in my mind. There are MANY things the County Council needs to address right now, and it would be much better for them to actually accomplish some work instead of being distracted. Maybe it will come out later that Ruggles is correct, but in the meantime I would hope that they would continue to function as best as they can. Otherwise its just another hippie (rolling my eyes) going blah blah blah about another conspiracy theory, and sucking all the air out of the room. I'm feeling very disappointed.
Is this a delaying tactic? What was before the council? Because with the people of district 5 needing a voice in what’s happening with the county more now then ever before. WTF
Well, the agenda for that committee was a nomination to the game management advisory commission. Clearly a controversial issue worth fighting Wink

However the budget expansion discussed in another thread is on the agenda today. However, Ruggles being excused isn't going to delay anything so it's not much of a tactic (although I could see washing my hands of such business if I were in her shoes)
Jen Ruggles contact info:

Phone: (808) 961-8263
Fax: (808) 961-8912

“What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.” - President Donald J. Trump, 7/25/18
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Why would anyone aspire towards an office of which they doubt the legality?
What's the real reason for all this.
fwiw, she noted on facebook over a month ago that she was not going for re election... then many of her signs came down...

she has never been the brightest of upper Puna... same w/ her retarded pickleheaded excuse of a dad in Fern Acres ...

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
Originally posted by PaulW

What's the real reason for all this.

That's what I am trying to understand. Why?

Pure, wild speculation on my part, but maybe...

1. Maybe she found out that she has a terminal disease or serious medical condition?

2. Maybe it is about Bill 160? (Being truthful can be difficult for some folks)

3. Maybe it is about her father's upcoming trial?

4. Maybe it is the old boys club that wants her out (she rocks the boat too much)?

5. Maybe it is that she just felt burned out?

6. Maybe it is something else?

Anyone have any ideas?

Has Ms. Ruggles ever said why she is resigning?
Slow boat to High-Low
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

Jen Ruggles contact info:

Phone: (808) 961-8263
Fax: (808) 961-8912

“What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.” - President Donald J. Trump, 7/25/18

More accurately, this is the contact information for her staff. I emailed her before and my response was from:

Amber Shouse
Council Aide, Office of Jen Ruggles
Hawaii County Council
25 Aupuni st. Hilo, HI 96720
I dunno if I've mentioned this before, but I've personally met with Jen and talked with her, I went to her families Thanksgiving. I talked with her for a bit about her job, and one thing she mentioned that stuck with me is that politics in Hawai'i is dominated by ohana...An ohana that she distinctly isn't part of. She's neither Asian, nor native Hawai'ian, so she told me that she finds politics here frustrating because of that barrier. She never mentioned anything about resigning, though. Personally, I understand, most land and businesses in Hawai'i are owned by Asian owners, then there's the native populace, and she's not part of either group.

i also dunno why so many people are down on Jen. When I spoke with her, her full motivation for politics was just trying to help. Her background is grassroots organization. She's a quiet, down to earth girl.

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile

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