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Anyone know what happened to the mermaid?

what happened to the mermaid?

With all this water, she could be anywhere.

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"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Mermaid's posting stopped about the time the new board was elected.

Funny this thread popped up again. Just last night I visited the HPP page attempting to find current minutes.....if they're posted, I couldn't figure out how to find them! you know what the latest is?
All I want to know is when they're gone blade over our road. Three straight days of pouring rain has turned our cinder road into a mine field!
Sorry, I’ve been out to lunch since the eruption started. Priorities. Slowly returning to day to day concerns.

Yes, Reni, she did stop posting about the time the new BOD was elected. Busy I’d say, fighting the good fight in her own way, no doubt.

I cant find anything current in HPPOA’s website either,, unless your interested in 2014. I had hoped to see an improvement with the election of the new BOD, but it seems to me that they’re embroiled in the mountain of crap that’s built up over the years, and as usual, nothing meaningful (to the Membership) is getting done.

Last Meeting I was at there was much discussion about swearing in to the BOD a certain member who had been disqualified by the Nominating Committee,( which was overturned by the BOD) , and his name was left on the ballots by them. The swearing in was tabled until yet another lawyer could be consulted for an opinion, There was also discussion about the Audit the Membership unanimously voted for, and that too was tabled until the Budget is done “to see if we have enough $ to do it” was the excuse given. (Amazing to me that there is $ to pay disrespectful employees and Lawyers to justify the BOD’s bad decisions, but not enough for Road Maintenance.)

I have heard that many of our shiny new BOD Members, in whom we (no, I, stupidly) have had so much hope, have been “flipped” by “the dark side,” and now are going along with the same old, same old bs spoon fed to them by people with something to gain by remaining in power. Sadly, (from my perspective) here are only 2 BOD Members now who give a hoot about the ByLaws or the Members, and that’s not enough to effect a change for the good.

I am finally so disgusted with the whole fiasco, I’ve decided to save myself from further involvement. I have spent years trying to save my kids the expense of paying for nothing when I’m gone, but unless some lawmakers get involved, we’re screwed. (JMO). What is the point of volunteering for Committees if they’re either ignored or disbanded by the BOD? What is the point of voting if every vote is overturned or ignored?

So, I admit Katerina, it appears that you were right. Nothing’s ever going to change here. We will be paying more and more for less and less as time goes on.

I have sincerely considered selling and moving rather than getting ripped off year after year. I don’t see how 2 people will be able to change this disfunctional organization when so many BOD Members and Employees are working so hard to maintain the status quo.

I highly recommend bringing a witness or a go pro with you to the office, as it has gotten very nasty there and false accusations and threats abound.
It is not a welcoming place. If you have access to the HPP Facebook page, there are specifics of how Members are being treated in the office.

I’m not proud of my present stance, but I just don’t see a way out of the hole we’re in. I’m sincerely sorry, for all of us.
Just got a bit more info from Facebook. Leslie Blyth, a law abiding BOD Member posted in Facebook yesterday that the Board will be voting on if they should RAISE road fees next year. She said that since there has been NO TRANSPARENCY in the finances in the YEAR she has been on the BOD, she will not be voting for an increase in road fees, however she is only one person, and cannot sway the vote by herself. She is asking for feedback from the Members asap, as the vote will be soon.

Serious question in two parts:

1. How much damage (if any) did Hurricane Lane do to HPP roads?
2. Board will be authorizing repairs as per their mandate?

HPPOA failure to perform is actionable, if anyone can be bothered to force the issue.
The board examines the road fees (along with the budget) every year. Potential increases should have been decided at that time. The Finance committee can make recommendations on how much to increase the road fees, but the board may not agree.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Much appreciate your perspective on the HPP Board and thank you for taking the time to post .
It is disheartening to hear the same dysfunctional dynamics continue. New faces, new members... and sounds like same B.S.
I understand considering moving. when one comprehends the ongoing dysfunction , it can really be a major turn off.
Good friends that owned a home, a vacation rental , a parcel and another rental home gave up over the fugitive dust problem. Took them 2 years to unwind, but they're gone. Another good friend living on Beach, rental on Railroad left for the same reason. One on 7th frustrated with several issues, sold. several on Paradise Ala Kai and wonderful neighbors on E......outta here. Such a pity when this neighborhood has such potential. Oh well!
The really sad thing Reni is, that every time someone gets fed up and leaves, the Association collects hundreds of dollars. It actually pays to run people out. More $ for them to waste on everything but roads.

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