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Monday Town Hall with Ruggles
(via email)
Ruggles, Jennifer []


I hope this finds you well on this sunny Tuesday I would like to invite you to an important community meeting I am hosting to give you the opportunity to speak with me or just listen about the recent decision I made to refrain from legislating until the county attorney can assure me that I am not committing war crimes.

This meeting stems from an announcement that I made on August 21st stating that I had come to understand that I may be in violation of my oath of office to uphold the U.S. Constitution and may be incurring criminal liability under both U.S. federal law and international law.

To ensure all of your questions will be answered my attorney who I worked with to draft the letter to our county attorney will also be present along with Dr. Keanu Sai. Dr. Sai, a Puna constituent, is a scholar and expert in international law as well as United States constitutional law. He#699;s been admitted as an expert in international law and the continued existence of the Hawaiian Kingdom in several criminal and civil court cases in the State of Hawai‘i. Dr. Sai is serving as the lead agent for the Hawaiian Kingdom in international arbitration proceedings before the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague, Netherlands.

I want to be transparent in my reasoning and explain what prompted me to take this action so will be providing copies of the letter from the United Nations Human Rights Council, and other relevant handouts, and educate you on your status as a protected person. I would also like to share the work I have been doing to continue to represent and advocate on behalf of our district. Time will be reserved for your questions, feedback, and comments on this profoundly implicating topic. Snacks will be provided.

Date: Monday, September 24th
Time: 6pm to 7:30pm
Place: Kea`au Community Center (16-186 Pili Mua St.)

Hope to see you there.

Jen Ruggles
Hawaii County Council
District 5, Puna

Great, Jen waits over a month, gives us notification she will meet her constituents in a "Town Hall", but only with an attorney present, and does not provide us with the
"copy of the letter from the United Nations Human Rights Council," that she says initiated her actions, nor does she supply us with the "other relevant handouts" that would help US "educate you on your status as a protected person#699;, prior to a meeting with an attorney present....

I understand her not wanting to do something she feels is illegal, her family situation & the tax status of her home when she first accepted this office not-withstanding...

I do NOT understand her willingness to accept the pay of her office, IF SHE REALLY DOES BELIEVE THAT THIS POSITION IS ILLEGAL!
Is that guy a convicted felon? That's what google says, at first glance.
Originally posted by Carey

... does not provide us with the "copy of the letter from the United Nations Human Rights Council,"

Here's the letter

As far as educating yourself, there is an abundance of materials available. Try typing "hawaiian kingdom illegal occupation" into a search engine. Don't cry because Jen didn't add hundreds of attachments to the email.
"Dr. Sai is serving as the lead agent for the Hawaiian Kingdom in international arbitration proceedings before the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague, Netherlands."

The proceedings that occurred in 1999 and were summarily rejected?
Originally posted by randomq

"Dr. Sai is serving as the lead agent for the Hawaiian Kingdom in international arbitration proceedings before the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague, Netherlands."

The proceedings that occurred in 1999 and were summarily rejected?

Rejected you say. ummm, not exactly.

"The Tribunal concluded that it could not determine whether the Respondent has failed to discharge its obligations towards the Claimant without ruling on the legality of the acts of the United States of America – something the Tribunal was precluded from doing as the United States was not party to the case. "

because they chose not to participate.

The court agreed to hear and rule on the case which means that "The Hawaiian Kingdom" has standing at their court which means that in their view, The Hawaiian Kingdom IS a State.

Here is their ruling:

The Arbitral Tribunal is requested to provide rulings in two stages, in accordance with International law and Hawaiian Kingdom law.
The first stage shall result in an award on the verification of the dominion of the Hawaiian Kingdom. The Arbitral Tribunal shall decide territorial sovereignty in accordance with the principles, rules and practices of international law applicable to the matter, and on the basis, in particular, of historic titles.
The second stage shall result in an award of the dispute specified in section 1(a) and 1(b) of article 1 above. The Arbitral Tribunal shall decide taking into account the opinion that it will have formed on questions of territorial sovereignty, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1969, and any other pertinent factors.
The Arbitral Tribunal can consult experts of its choice.
Originally posted by PaulW

Is that guy a convicted felon? That's what google says, at first glance.

Yes he is.

He defrauded over 400 Hawaiian Households out of $1500.00 each and was convicted of theft of a home.


He has sued President's Obama and Trump, filed war crimes charges against several Hawaii judges and none of it has gone anywhere.

He has now convinced a confused young girl that she could be guilty of war crimes and caused the people living in district 5 to not have a representative on the County Council.

Just an opinion.
Originally posted by Obie

He has sued President's Obama and Trump, filed war crimes charges against several Hawaii judges and none of it has gone anywhere.

On August 29, 2018, Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Columbia Rhonda L. Campbell sent a communication to Dr. David Keanu Sai, Chairman of the Council of Regency and Petitioner for an extension to respond to the Emergency Petition for Writ of Mandamus filed with the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.

“Sir: I will be requesting a 30-day extension of time, to and through, October 10, 2018, to Answer or otherwise respond to your complaint. Please inform me of your position. Thank you.”
I appreciate you giving a polite counterbalance, riversnout.
I hope it's a cause worth supporting.
I appreciate your appreciation. I see no reason to choose hostility.

The issue is crystal clear, as anybody will see with even the most basic research. The Kingdom is under military occupation. Obviously. The real question is what is to be done about it? Just continue on and ignore it or try to make it right?

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