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Hawaiian Beaches Subdivision v. HSRE
Okay, Punatics (you guys are so awesome). I am focusing on two houses now. One is in HSRE and the other is in Hawaiian Beaches. I see that HSRE has a pool for the community; it doesn't look as if Hawaiian Beaches has a pool.
* Is one subdivision nicer than the other in some way?
* They both have private water. Is the water better in HSRE?
* If Hawaiian Shores has no pool, it is possible to put a pool in my front yard? Will the D-9 go through a lavatube (I can't do above ground pool).
Express yourself!
Hey Glen it seems kinda strange you'd be looking at a ranch in the middle of nowhere then look at a very congested subdivision.So I'm just curious if you've visited puna and what is it your looking for? If you do a forum search you'll get many of the questions you asked answered.

HSRE has CC&Rs (rules for the community). Hawaiian Shores does not. I think the water in both are good (no major differencess). Hawaiian Beaches does not have a pool or an active community association. There can be some junky neighborhoods in Beaches. You could add a pool.

John Dirgo, RA, ABR, e-PRO
Island Trust Properties, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
Punamom: I love that Ranch (what I have seen of it). It is grand and beautiful and I really appreciate your research on it (which was incredible and I think I know how to do it). I also love the "Nowhereville" aspect to that Ranch. I could definetely hang with that. But, god, it is so close (at least on a map) to Kalapana. I am spooked about a river of steaming stuff coming at my place. So, mentally, I moved further away, toward the coast. I am trying to avoid catchments (I can't even maintain my contact lenses, much less maintain the purity of my water). So HSRE and Beaches have great water and apparently plenty of it!

If I had my druthers, I would go for the Ranch, but it just seems so close to that lava stuff! I am sure I sound exactly like an East Coaster (which I am not) who is afraid to move to California because of Earthquakes, when really can happen at anytime.

I am truly casting a wide net because I want to explore all possibilities. I have to start with water. That's what all three of these places have in common.

Ya know what though? I think I have to come over. My Hawaiian adventure started last February when I went to Molokai --my first visit to the Hawaiian Islands. By the time I left, I had gone native and was giving stinkeye to haoles. (just kidding, but only slightly -- I started to kind of get why they wouldn't want paradise to be spoiled with mosquitoes, mongooses and creaky frogs). Have been obsessing ever since. Going to Kauai next month (pre-planned months ago). I don't think it will be for me, or that I can afford if it is.

I feel strangely drawn to Puna. I like real places that edge toward the surreal. I think I am on the right track.

By the way, you and John Dirgo are founts (lava-like founts) of information. Scared of you!!!
Well, Glen.... If Kalapana has you spooked, you should definitely take the coast road from Kahakai over to Kapoho. That should cure you of thinking that neighborhood is safe from lava. I think HSRE is the closest to that fairly-fresh lava.

If you don't want to maintain catchment, why would you want to keep a pool?

When I was there last year, I was sure I'd be able, in 10 days, to tour the entire district, learn what I needed, and make an offer on a lot. Hah! My biggest accomplishment was coming to know just how little I knew!

Good luck!

Glen, HSRE is pretty. It has all of that stuff to keep you from getting spooked. However, it's a given that you will enjoy Kauai. That is the prettiest place in the world. Toooooo expensive and maybe you'd get rock fever, but that's where I first fell head over heels for Hawaii. Be sure to take the helicopter ride up into Mt. Wai'ale'ale - take Island Helicopters and ask for the Aussie Pilot...he's a lot of fun. - And be sure also to get to Waimea Canyon. It's gobsmackingly pretty. Also check out JoJo's in Waimea for the best shave ice on the island.

What happens if lava burns your house? - You move over. The whole island is a's a chance we take for the beauty we get in exchange for an undetermined amount of time.


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Edited by - carolann r on 09/02/2006 19:08:38

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Hawaiian Beaches is a cool place. You can't do "cookie cutter" when it comes to neighborhoods. Here, we look out for each other, we all get together for barbeques, neighbors help each other out, we take food stuff around, and so do they. I think it's what you make it.

Tony and I are very pleased with the area...what we know as "subdivisions" here in Arizona or in California (really on the MAINLAND) doesn't apply in Puna. HPP is one of the largest subdivisions in the world I believe - John Dirgo, our resident facts person and realtor extraordinaire, can tell you more about how many lots in HPP, etc. But you won't find rows and rows of the same exact homes...thank God. I really enjoy the diversity of Puna's people and the variety of homes and love to watch the land change many times over as you drive Puna District. Never boring here LOL!!!

Seems like many Puna people come here to escape the stress of the major rat race on the Mainland and in other areas...that's OUR reason really - other than the fact that we just felt Hawaii in our hearts the first time we we NEEDED to be here. Again, E Komo Mai future neighbor!


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Edited by - carolann r on 09/03/2006 05:35:31

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Moved my family to HB in April and couldn’t be happier. Like Brad W says our neighbors are
great. Barbecues… talk story exchanging recipes. Even though some folks think it may be
congested….. Water ($22 a month, unlimited), paved roads and mail delivery and pick up…
It isn’t the Wild West any more. The renters are are going or gone, ownership and pride are here to stay. Mostly all the junk cars are gone, Could use a few less roosters in the
morning, but I wouldn’t trade our home for the world. You’ll find the roosters in all the
Neighborhoods, even the ones with the CC&R’s…. shore beets the sound of trucks out side my windows in the morning.

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
Glen, I think Hawaiian Beaches & Shores are nice neighborhoods but the lots are small and you will be able to see your neighbors all the time. You mention "nowheresville". I don't think you will feel too remote in those neighborhoods.

I am gathering from your post that you haven't been to the BI before. You really need to stay in Puna in a rental house for a few weeks at the least. But be warned, most of the people I know that have moved over with only one visit have left within a year or two. In some cases they didn't get their ducks in a row before the move. Some of them just loved the romantic idea of moving to an island and then couldn't deal with the little bumps island living sometimes has.

My thought on lava: not mortal threat, everything else is replaceable. I wouldn't worry about it. Regardless of what zone anyone is living in the patterns could shift and they could be at risk. Wouldn't be the first time an extinct volcano came to life. I don't know where you are on mainland but I have a bigger chance of a 100+ yr old oak crashing on my house in Atlanta that lava going over my lot in Seaview. I


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