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Have gun (squirt gun) wil travel
Will Ammonia kill a coqui? If not what could I put into my squirt gun that wouldn’t plug it up? Time for a little sport!


What goes around comes around!

Frogs respirate through their skin, if citric acid will nuke em' would any acid? Vinegar, shower cleaner? I know caffeine was being used too in addition to citric acid early on.

I say use the Starbucks for something ethical, ZAP em' with some mocha-choca-yuppie-late-soy-swirl-decaf-accino!

I might note that wetting your coquis with caffeine may in-fact result in some rather loud and frantic COQUI, COQUI, COQUI!!!! right before their little hearts explode.

I personally just let them go unless within 5' of my ears. Here in Orchidland, they have gotten so thick that they just blend in with the crickets. I actually kind of like them. (OMG i know.) I figure they help feed the starving centipede population. Mine here aren't really any louder than the cicadas and crickets, maybe you got some really obnoxious Kona strain Wink

Royall, Jim uses citric acid in his super "croaker" soaker. We do rinse it out after each night's hunt, but it works real well. We don't have a super invasion, so far, so this is to blast the few that try to set up house here.
Aloha, Carey

50%+ clorox in a squirt bottle always works on the little buggars, doesn't cause any damage to plants except soft tissue types like impatiens, coleus or begonias. Bananas, palms, Philodendron, monstera, calathea, etc. are unphased by it. It WILL ruin your clothes!

I don’t mind them in at a distance but some of them have been getting up close and personal to the window area of the house. I think they are trying out for “who has the loudest call” contest! By the way where do you buy the citric acid?


What goes around comes around!

HAHAHA Royall, did you duck tape a mag light on the squirt gun? That's my plan and was hoping someone would test it out for me!

Hey Hutch 50% what with what? Thanks Mella

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
I think Cabell's hunting catalog sells a sight with a light as well as a lazer point. Our local neighborhood kid is dreaming of putting a mag light on his super soaker and a lazer point along with it for calibrating maximum aim. He is very enthused with the whole "shoot the coqui frog with a squirt gun" idea. So far there is only one coqui frog in his neighborhood and I don't think it is going to last very long. There is also some sort of "deluge" gun which would spout out about a half gallon at a time which might be quite interesting, but I didn't quite get the name of it. The kid is all up on squirt guns, apparently there are also some which have adjustable spray patterns.

You can get the citric and the hydrated lime to put in your squirt guns at Garden Exchange. I think it is called "Coqui Quiet" or some such.

The frogs are quite easy to catch by hand. For a frog they have fairly small back legs and don't really jump that far. They don't bite and can't run, I sure wish we would get something to consider them as part of the food chain. Of course, after you've caught the thing, then what? If you consider them to be a noisy pallid cockaroach, then you can throw them on the ground and stomp on them with impunity. Stomp twice just to make sure! Although, maybe you could cast them in fiberglass resin and sell them to tourists?

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson

I thought when we got settled we'd buy some super soakers, equipped with mag light and give them out to our neighborhood kids and do coqui night hunts, better bagging than snipe hunts of my youth!

A home owners association could outfit the local kids with tools and give them 5 cents for each frog turned in, or whatever the going rate would be! Just some fun thoughts.

What kind of squirt gun does your neighbor use and what does he load it with?
Thanks Mella

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Hey mella, I found mixing bleach with 50% water works just as well to kill the coqui, makes the squirt mechanism last longer, saves bleach. (I should own stock in Clorox!)

Royall & Mella,
Our super "croaker" soaker is a Water Works 'Gremlin" that was the only type avaialbe at WalMart last winter ("What, no super soakers at christmas time?"Wink, We found that the Hilo Farmers Exchange had the best price last winter "FX frog buster citric acid - $2.79 for 21 oz, makes a gallon at 16%. They are at 318 Kinoole. Jim usually can get the froggies while holding the squirt gun & light in one hand, so he has yet to devise a laser sight for the barrel!
Aloha, Carey

Edited by - Carey on 09/04/2006 21:47:41

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