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Fabric Made From Volcanic Basalt
In the past few years I’ve read about using basalt, a common material here on Hawaii, as a building material. Now a company has developed a method which melts volcanic cinder, extrudes it into thread, then weaves the material into a flexible fabric. They initially intend to make wallets and a laptop case, to finance research on a manufacturing system capable of providing housing, equipment, tools, almost everything necessary for future inhabitants on Mars.

This could be beneficial for residents of Big Island in many ways. It could provide an endless source of local building material for housing, as well as other useful products. If the threads were flexible enough perhaps a pair of Lava Jeans, or Lava Slippahs?

The best part? None of it would have to go in a landfill. It’s completely natural and recycles into - - basalt. And which district in Hawaii would have the greatest abundance of this resource? Puna.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Not sure what u been reading " the past few years". But this has been around since the early 20s Yes 20s. I myself have been messing with these wovens since the mid 90s .
Trying to figure out their website message... how does buy these products help exactly?
This could be beneficial for residents of Big Island

Unfortunately it will be too expensive after exporting the basalt to somewhere that does manufacturing so that the fabric can be imported back to Hawaii.
Zackly ... And like this: gonna happen here ??? No to mention the mining and furnaces.
Have you ever seen the inside of a sugar mill? Or a pineapple plant? Far more industrial, noisy, smoky. What about the machinery and steam at PGV? But, sure, let’s just say it’s impossible.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
You can get basalt lots of places, you need cheap power to manufacture something like that
Try harder hotpe
I've also been to mills in three both here and overseas
And Yeh .. nothing impos, but its NEVEr gonna happen here. Don't get defensively when u hear another side of the coin that different than urs. Further, i suggest u research ur topics deeper.
"Unfortunately it will be too expensive after exporting the basalt to somewhere that does manufacturing so that the fabric can be imported back to Hawaii."

Why ship the basalt when you could just dig it up in Utah(or many other places) where power is cheap ?

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