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Pool still closed,call the mayor or email
Hey random,its my understanding that the peles hair has been pumped thru the whole systems on both pools. That will necessitate a removal of all the water, power wash all surfaces,replace the sand in the filter beds,and to continue to hose down the wall,so the gunnite doesnt dry and crack ,refil and vacum. Not sure about the fancy blue bal sand,special pumps etc, and then flocing the water with a precipitate. Than sending a sample off island for ,how long?

I would offer the cthar lab to look for spicuals in the water. It doesnt need a electron
Microscope to see 2 micron thick glass,i dont think. Now the mayors waited to long for his .8 bil special session,and the longer it takes the less likely it will be done.

My thanks to Ms Ohara, and Ms Evans in this struggle.


Dan d
Just a clarification, Ms O'Hara is on the County Council, not a state representative. "Our community pool"?
Sorry, i dont think it matters do u. She is proactive help us and she represents us on the council.please feel free to contact ,and talk to everyone please. Squeaky wheel syndrome works .I live in the community ,and its our pool,yes?


I just heard from Sen Brian Shatz office. He thanked me for enquiring about public lands lol???. Form letter


How about the idiot that ordered the pumps turned on w/ reticulite in the pool, does all the cleanup? Sounds fair to me. Also, the pool will probably open when we get our winter weather.
Hi dory,
We allredy have our winter weather lol


Not sure I would WANT anyone as short-sighted as the one who ordered the pool to open {
during the eruption} to be the one to be responsible for cleaning & repair of the pool...
I would think the restrooms might be the more apropos job for that .... mmm .... administrator!
Most recent info. As we expected. The county hasnt moved a muscle to get the pool going.
I just heard that . Untill the FEMA dollars arive,nothing will be done,as the county has no money for this job. I also asked whom was responsible for the pool pumps being run while it was raining pele`s hair? It seems like it came from the Mayors office.

Maybe thats why the Mayor has not responded to my inquires,letters, emails. This make me more upset. 6 months now ,without ANY WATER RECCREATION!!!!!!!

I guess his office doesnt care? And now we find out the only acess to pohoiki,the road will not go all the way,and it will be gated and the general public will not be allowed
To go to pohoiki.

Im not giving up. I will continue to pressure the administration to give us our acess to water recreation.

Please continue to help by contacting your representatives.


Untill the FEMA dollars arive,nothing will be done,as the county has no money for this job.

Yet the County does have money to build a substandard "temporary" road, plus more money to control access.

6 months now ,without ANY WATER RECCREATION!!!!!!!

The moral of the story seems to be: if you want to enjoy the services your taxes pay for, you had best live in Kona.
I just sent copy above to all offices. Time to kick it up a notch in the public. Its only fair the rest of Hawaii knows how we are being treated,after having to live with an erupting volcano for 100 plus days



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