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State Biosecurity Plan
From a Hawaii Dept of Ag briefing before Hawaii State senators:
If brown tree snakes ever survive the trip from Guam to Honolulu it’s estimated it could have a $2 billion impact.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
If brown tree snakes ever survive the trip from Guam to Honolulu it’s estimated it could have a $2 billion impact.

What's the estimated impact of brown tree snakes on an island other than Oahu? Or does that even matter?
At least half a dozen have as I recall and that's just those that people have seen. It must be 10 times that many at least. I have to assume that mongooses have been catching them. I don't doubt that brown tree snakes could withstand predation by mongooses once established but dropping them off one by one in a landscape populated by millions of mongooses is probably a non-starter.
They did nothing when the first coqui frogs showed up. They did nothing when the fire ants ( which Are going to kill more birds than the brown snakes every would) first showed up. What’s going to make this any different unless their on Oahu Nothing will be done
unless their on Oahu

Any potential snakes on a plane from Guam to Hawaii, will most likely arrive on Air Force planes. They’ll land at Hickam Field on Oahu. The commercial flights land at Honolulu International.

If brown tree snakes show up on Oahu, you can be damn sure the legislature will be paraphrasing Samuel L. Jackson:

Enough is ENOUGH! I have had it with these __________’ snakes on these __________' planes! Everybody strap in! Taxes are goin’ up! All the islands gonna pay for ground traps, tree traps, and if necessary, break out the flamethrowers, and breed GMO Super-mongoose! Or geese!? Whatever it takes!
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
most likely arrive on Air Force planes

Anyone remember the coconut beetle outbreak on Oahu a few years ago? WIth the massive, instant, fully mobilized response from State, because destroying the iconic palm trees would impact tourism, etc.


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