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New Water Bottling Plant in Hilo Proposed
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

I have another suggestion for all you Puna people who really, actually want to make a real difference, and want to put their money where their mouth is, who have septic tank or worse.

Level your house, remove the septic etc., and move to a place that has sewers and a sewerage treatment plant. You will be helping in a real and substantial way.

I doubt if a single one of you will even consider putting your money where your mouth is and actually doing something like that.

Talk is cheap, takes money to buy cattle. I suspect none of you will end up with any cattle... just talk, 'cause YOU are more important than the ground-water.

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
I happily payed for a septic tank and leach field at 3 times the cost of a cesspool because it is better for the environment, even though I can't see bacteria or nitrates. I have never "seen" cholesterol but I accept that it's a real thing that affects my life because I accept the professional opinion of others who are qualified to know. Why would I single climate change out for skepticism?
Originally posted by MarkP

I happily payed for a septic tank and leach field at 3 times the cost of a cesspool because it is better for the environment, even though I can't see bacteria or nitrates. I have never "seen" cholesterol but I accept that it's a real thing that affects my life because I accept the professional opinion of others who are qualified to know. Why would I single climate change out for skepticism?

While a septic tank is better, well.. it just isn't good enough. You'll just have to sacrifice, for the future generations need to drink, and don't want to drink your septic tank leach.

The only honorable, environment-respecting thing to do is level the house, dig up the septic, have the leach field sterilized, and move to an area with real sewerage treatment.

Anything less is just plain irresponsible and damaging to the environment.

You DO respect the environment, right? So make the sacrifice if not for yourself, for the future generations.

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
For decades, I've been hearing people quacking about climate change... yet NONE of their dire predictions are, or ever seem to manifest in the real, observable world.

Let’s see what the US Navy with an extensive fleet presence at Pearl Harbor, and not known for a liberal stance or falling for half baked conspiracy theories, thinks about the prospect of climate change, whether it’s real, and if they find it necessary to account for it in their operations and mission preparedness. Here’s a link that discusses the Navy’s plans for the future, including mention of what they expect at their base in Pearl Harbor and other locations:

The Department of Defense is clear-eyed about the challenges climate change poses.

Like many other organizations, the navy cannot afford to treat climate change as a partisan issue. The Department of Defense knows that the mid-century world for which the admirals are now planning is likely to be warmer than today’s, with higher sea levels, new precipitation patterns, and more frequent and severe extreme weather events,

The navy predicts that climate change will lead to more—and more-prolonged—droughts, which in turn will raise the potential for more military interventions.

Especially vulnerable are the navy’s coastal infrastructure and the supply chains that furnish energy and materials to its bases and fleet, all of which are essential to mission readiness. Most of the navy’s land-based assets—shipyards, bases, and other installations—are on seacoasts. These assets were designed and built to be resilient to historic sea levels and storm intensity. But sea levels rose on average nearly half a foot over the 20th century, a rate faster than that in any century since at least 800 BC.

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” - Mark Twain
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
[quote][i]No doubt the climate changes. No doubt it will continue to do so. Although 6" is measurable, it certainly isn't a show-stopper. Some remediation may be required as Nature runs its course. I suspect that man's contribution to that 6" is probably in the neighborhood of 1/4", the rest being nature.'s fault

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
Wow.. seems some folks hereabouts (well, wherever da buggah stay) been drinking way too much of Koolaid. First its..

unrealistic and unfair to expect one generation to live for an as-yet non-existent generation.

and then it's..

make the sacrifice if not for yourself, for the future generations.

So which is it? Is the Earth flat? Did we really go to the moon? And what about those future generations, should we care or not?

Does anyone else wonder if da buggah's mother tongue is Russian?
Originally posted by glinda

make the sacrifice if not for yourself, for the future generations.

So which is it? Is the Earth flat? Did we really go to the moon? And what about those future generations, should we care or not?

[size=1]Does anyone else wonder if da buggah's mother tongue is Russian?[/size8=1]

Sorry you didn't get it, but I was being fecitios. Have someone explain it to you.

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
Its time rob to do it to open-d already how many times today

Originally posted by jrw

Its time rob to do it to open-d already how many times today


While I wouldn't presume to speak for the mod, the standard is "average", NOT "daily". Have someone explain the difference to you. I have gone long periods with no activity, but now is not one of them.


Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
Did we really go to the moon?

The moon landing was a hoax, just like the County permitting process.

but I was being fecitios. Have someone explain it

Learn to spell, it makes the snark more realistic.

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