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Attack on Seaview lawn.
For some time now, on Sundays, there is a drum-circle held on the beautiful front lawn of the Seaview subdivision, overlooking the ocean. A lot of the people are the Kehena beach crowd. They tend to migrate up the hill and the event kicks off around 4:30ish.

That drum-circle is full of very talented percussionists and man, let me tell you, they rock that place out! The beats are infectious and one almost cannot help but dance. It is usually a very lovely event with lots of space for tightrope walkers, fire-stick spinners, frisbee throwers, young children, picnicking families, dancers etc. Just a lovely gathering, "usually".

Yesterday however, it appeared as though one of the attendants had some sort of psychotic break. He was wearing old style white hemp shepherd type clothing and carrying a wooden staff as he was very loudly preaching. Apparently some people took offense at some point to his preaching. I was told that someone tried to punch him, (I didn't see it) but what I did see was his retaliation where he took his 5 foot wooden stick and struck someone in the back of the head with great force. The poor guy crumpled and fell unconscious as that blow hit him very hard and cleanly to the back of his head. It was brutal.
That lead to groups of people trying to mob the attacker and other groups trying to defend him and stop the violence. Unfortunately the violence turned into a local crowd vs. "haole" crowd thing. A very sour turn to an otherwise joyous event.

I wasn't near them, maybe 70 yards away or more but it's a big open area and was very easy to see. I called 911 (as did many others is discovered later). It took cops and ambulance over a half an hour to get there.


It took cops and ambulance over a half an hour to get there.

Your property taxes at work. Perhaps we should demand better?
Perhaps they were tied up elsewhere. HPP and HB are pretty needy when it comes to both police and medical issues.
Sounds pretty ugly. Last week my wife and I stopped at the Hi-5 place in Pahoa to turn in bottles and cans etc. Two older dudes (like me) were there doing the same. Except one of them was yelling at the other, and he yelled back. It got closed to fisticuffs several times. The louder mouthed more threatening one, since he was spending so much time making trouble and ignoring his Hi-5 stuff, the workers decided to take me first, as mine was all separated and ready to go. The louder dude then looked like I might be his next target. Didn't happen, but, you never know.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
It's been awhile since I've done it, but doesn't it take about 1/2 hour to drive from Pahoa to Seaview ?
"doesn't it take about 1/2 hour to drive from Pahoa to Seaview "

More like 45 minutes now so 1/2 hour is a great response time.
Let me guess.

The cops all showed up at the exact same time in their separate vehicles?
HPP and HB are pretty needy when it comes to both police and medical issues.

That's why police/ambulance are staged in nearby Pahoa, because while a substation would make lots of sense, "there's no money in the budget".
The fellow in the white robe and wooden staff has been banned from Target pharmacy for doing the exact same thing. The wahine behind the counter was at the time 4 months pregnant and has never to this day recovered. He may of been off his meds .He has done this on MAUI for several years and is now banned from the entire Island of Maui.Court ordered after a few years at O.C.C.C.
He is one to never interact with or pick up hitch hiking .

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