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Another take on TMT - Aggrieved native Hawaiians
Sorry kneift that should have read " Global Whaming" as per da pres


Originally posted by dan d

Global Whaming" as per da pres


Look who's talking!!!

Update on Kealoha Pisciotta’s west coast meeting:

As state and county law enforcement prepare for anticipated demonstrations by those opposing construction of the Thirty-Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea, many may have been wondering what those calling themselves kia#699;i or protectors of the mountain are going to do.

“I know no one is afraid of the clash. The kia#699;i are fearless and filled of aloha,” says Pisciotta, “But you know when you put guns and people together at any point, you just increase the chances of something bad happening and we’re just trying to do our best to prevent that, protect the people and protect the mauna (mountain).”

What exactly is she suggesting? It seems like an incredibly inappropriate comment to make in an interview.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Agreed...veiled threats , no good

Bringing guns to the edge of a military base to raise a ruckus, doesn't seem wise.
It's an idiotic statement from Pisciotta that raises the chances of violence on Mauna Kea, whether she meant it to or not.
I agree tom. The sad state of affairs is that now the dlnr has reason to up there protecive attitude and increase there state of readyness in preparation of some major civil disobedience, based on her statement.

And they have plenty weapons now that 2.7 million has been appropriated for that cause.
I like the plackard that says science and the Mauna , wish it were true.


Kealoha Pisciotta talks about her recent meeting in California, asking the Moore Foundation to rescind backing for the TMT. Gorden and Betty Moore did not attend the meeting, video at link:

Gordon and Betty Moore were not there, Pisciotta said, but the president of the Foundation did receive them. Pisciotta said they had a good conversation.

“We basically were inviting them to be thought leaders… to join with us. Because whether you’re looking at the world from an indigenous point of view, or a Western point of view, we all agree that the Earth is in trouble,” Pisciotta said.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
So, basically it was a road trip report. And if the Earth is in trouble (the understanding of the consequences of the greenhouse effect came from astronomy) I don't understand why they're against the TMT.
U see Tom, the stars spin backwards in the tradition of some god, the peps are just there to protect the gods, the TMTis obviously in the way to do that! Dont u see?
Clear as mud to me.
Read the summary that Andrew just did. Interesting



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