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The Hawaii RUC Project is conducting a 36-month study (funded by a $4M Federal grant) to determine the best way to charge drivers a per-mile fee for using the roads. Fuel tax revenue is decreasing due to better fuel efficiency and electric cars, and Hawaii plans to be energy self-sufficient by 2045, so it's important to figure out how to replace the "missing" money.
Obviously they will have to adopt all the "privately owned" roads. (They "could" apportion the money by requiring people to install GPS trackers, but in practice they would just keep the money, same as they do now.)
I further predict that the new fee won't replace the gas tax, nor will it prevent future increases of the vehicle weight tax and registration fees.
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a 36-month study (funded by a $4M Federal grant) to determine the best way to charge drivers a per-mile fee
When you go in for a yearly Safety Check the inspector writes down your mileage and ALREADY sends that info to the state. Charge a per-mile fee based on your actual mileage from the previous year.
I just saved the government $4 million.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
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"I just saved the government $4 million."
Well, you might have in a sane world, but this is Hawaii, and "the right people" (or some of their friends/relatives) needed that $4M.
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That's gonna suck for the people that work in kona and drive two trips a day.
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The per-mileage tech used in other states that have adopted it use GPS to determine how many miles were driven on taxed roads and it has actually saved some people money who live near borders and live/register their car in one state but do most of their driving in the other.
If this tech was used IN PLACE OF the fuel tax and stopped the meter on private roads it would make a lot of sense, and electric vehicles would be fairly taxed for the wear and tear they cause on the roads just like everybody else.
Alternatively, the tech could be used to keep the meter running on private roads and remit the mile tax to the appropriate association so that people who do not live in private subdivisions are billed for the miles they drive in them and the money can go to whatever association is going to misappropriate the revenue.
Fair taxes... yeah I know I'm dreaming. Time to click the ruby farm boots together three times, "there's no place like Puna, there's no place like Puna, there's no place like Puna...."
shoots, lets all step on a scale before flying too : )
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Fair taxes...
Road wear is proportional to the fourth power of axle weight, so a fuel tax is actually closer to "fair" unless the mileage tax accounts for vehicle weight. (The glossy RUC Project flier doesn't mention this.)
use GPS to determine how many miles were driven on taxed roads
Mandatory GPS trackers in all vehicles. I'm sure the data will never be misused.
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GPS... data will never be misused.
Police could automatically send you a ticket every time you exceed the speed limit by a specified mph - - say 7 or 8 miles per hour over the limit.
Insurance companies could use the number of times you exceed the speed limit as a basis for the rate you’re billed, as well as the data if you’re involved in an accident.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
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Police could automatically send you a ticket
Assumes I'm driving my own car.
The best part is, I get to pay for the GPS transponder in order to be eligible for automatic speeding tickets and per-mile road surcharges.
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Assumes I'm driving my own car
The car won’t start without first inserting your drivers license into a dashboard drivers license reader.
I get to pay for the GPS transponder
And the additional GE Tax on the non-optional GPS transponder when you buy the vehicle. The non-optional license reader too.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves