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More on vacation rentals...
I spend a lot of time tracking a "social democracy" ie the Netherlands.

Their system consists of subsidized units controlled by what we would call a housing co - op or governmental agency subsidies are based on need.

There is also a free market component where private owners rent to non subsidised renters who make a decent income.

Both forms have fair laws with teeth concerning fair dealing by owners, damage by tenants and rents being paid as per the agreement. With a fair and relatively speedy eviction process - (bad actions by either party having real consequences)

the difference? ...Laws and rules are not dictated by the hotel industry or spun by pundits or councilpersons with an axe to grind
Do evictions take months because that is codified in law, or is it a matter of the courts being slow/overcrowded?
From what I hear the system is broken, eviction papers dont get served, folks carrying out the eviction need to be flown in from off island on the land lords dime

with out the possibility of VBRO (due to hotel lobby legal control) and the lack of any land lord / tenant rule making and administration by he courts and law enforcement.....

"its a civil matter" "no you cant do VBRO" housing stock sits empty rather than being put into the short term or long term inventory

bottom line much of our needed short and long term housing just sits empty, our island losses both housing stock and revenue due to local government neglect of the real issues at hand
@ Bullwinkle...bottom line much of our needed short and long term housing just sits empty, our island losses both housing stock and revenue due to local government neglect of the real issues at hand

All forms of governance/law making in the State of Hawaii has been dominated by the Democratic party...for the past 49 - 50 YEARS !

democrats are generally liberal
"democrats are generally liberal"

Yes. I fail to see the controversy in what I've written. It is like open borders, or somewhat open borders. It is primarily a liberal position. Big disagreement between Left and Right.

The situation of people being unable to pay rent is unfortunate. Landlords hope their tenants will remain solvent. They do not get pleasure out of evicting.

Giving tenants a lot of time to come up with their rent--and the landlord takes the monetary loss--is almost exclusively a liberal position.

Not to mention the liberal reluctance to evict drug addicts and tenants who damage property (the damage is often inadvertent, common with drug addicts). Give them extra chances to improve their behavior. It is called compassion.

Originally posted by MarkD

Not to mention the liberal reluctance to evict drug addicts and tenants who damage property (the damage is often inadvertent, common with drug addicts). Give them extra chances to improve their behavior. It is called compassion.

I call it exploitation - which is why I would never rent to anyone with a questionable history or section 8 subsidies: the damage they can do - through inadvertence or neglect, call it what you will - far exceeds the rental income that you are likely to realize.
It is easy to give away what is not yours to give.
"democrats are generally liberal"
Yes. I fail to see the controversy in what I've written.

Let me try an example, from the other direction.

liberal reluctance to evict drug addicts and tenants who damage property

It's not the liberals reluctant to evict bad tenants. THE LAW says you can evict tenants in 30-45 days after giving notice.
Therefore, if it's over 45 days, or when dealing with long term squatters, it must be the police who are reluctant to evict.
Police (using your model of stereotypes and generalization for liberals) are usually conservative. (Example: they carry guns, conservatives are for guns)

Therefore, conservatives created the problem with bad tenants in Hawaii.

(I don't actually believe what I wrote, but it sounds as logical, and reaches the same inaccurate conclusion as the "liberal blah blah blah....)
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I would hope the solutions lie in enlightened management ....not partisan disruption ....what I have seen work was produced by european regional governments that by U.S. standards were far to the left of anything any of us have ever experienced.

yet by focusing on the problems in a pragmatic cooperative problem solving approach has worked out for both low income tenants and landlords that have an stake in their properties.

meanwhile back at the ranch, tenants and land lords both are getting hosed by a few folks who just want things their way, in this case corporate influence over common sense and tenants who have nothing to loose they feel empowered not to pay rent and trash a place.

the best course for those small land lords not part of the system and locked out of vbro by the current council to leave their second home vacant and idle ...a pragmatic solution to a broken system ..left or right ...everybody gets the shaft imho

it must be the police who are reluctant to evict

HPD are not currently allowed to perform evictions due to an internal "procedural review" that has been going on for the past few years.

Landlords must use police from another island, pay for their airfare and per-diem in addition to the fees for actually evicting the tenants, the costs can easily run $10K.

how VRs are making long term rentals harder to find for local people

Perhaps if the hotel lobby feels so strongly about the availability of long-term rentals, they can provide some lodging for those long-term residents?

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