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UFO sightings on the rise

Project Blue Book was terminated in December 1969. The Air Force supplies the following summary of its investigations:

1. No UFO reported, investigated, and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security;
2. There was no evidence submitted to or discovered by the Air Force that sightings categorized as "unidentified" represented technological developments or principles beyond the range of modern scientific knowledge; and
3. There was no evidence indicating that sightings categorized as "unidentified" were extraterrestrial vehicles.[1]
Of course a little back story on the gov’s ‘supposed’ end of their UFO program would help those that never got it, but none the less the more recent re-emergence of the program should serve..


A former Pentagon official who led a recently revealed government program to research potential UFOs said Monday evening that he believes there is evidence of alien life reaching Earth.

"My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone," Luis Elizondo said in an interview on CNN's "Erin Burnett OutFront."

A pair of news reports in The New York Times and Politico over the weekend said the effort, the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, was begun largely at the behest of then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, who helped shore up funding for it after speaking to a friend and political donor who owns an aerospace company and has said he believes in the existence of aliens.

I love the naysayers. They look so cute in their convictions, even though their’s are no more than assumptions, as are anyone’s. Though their’s have the strength of their zeal, and unwillingness to consider otherwise, that give them the power to magically turn beliefs into fact. Imagine that.
Ufo's are the realm of Santa Clause, that changes the day you actually see one for yourself. Then you either have to convince yourself that your having a brain tumor or confront the fact that its highly possible we are not alone and never have been.
Supposed end, eh? Yes, no matter what facts people come up with (e.g. Project Blue Book searching for decades and finding no evidence of alien UFOs) others can just say "fake news!" and continue believing whatever they want to believe. This is the age of Orangeism. Good luck to you all.
"There are literally thousands of credible witnesses including astronauts who have given testimony to what they have seen.
The only reason that someone has not seen one of these unexplained craft around is that they just aren't looking. They spend most of their life looking at their feet instead of looking to the sky.

Kander-just as I said earlier, there are plenty of amateur astronomers on the island who certainly aren't looking at their feet and know the sky extremely well, certainly better than most professional astronomers. And yet to my knowledge, they have not reported seeing alien spaceships. Why is that? The same goes for those that work for the observatories and spend long hours observing the sky.

As I mentioned earlier, I have seen a UFO. It was flying and I don't know what it was. I suspect I know what it was (a military flare) but I'm not sure. However, I do not jump to the conclusion that it was an alien craft. I tend to go with Occam's razor which suggests UFOs are more likely to be terrestrially-based events and not something that involves aliens breaking the known laws of physics and traveling light years to then be seen by a few people because they forgot to turn off their navigation lights.

And why are there so many reports of aliens looking like the so-called alien in the so-called Roswell incident? That was an admitted hoax.
Tomk... Perhaps they aren't saying anything is because of the negative atmosphere surrounding such topics and outright ridicule of those who may have seen something that might be more than a road flare.
I know a few airline pilots who have seen, very clearly, flying disks but wont report them for fear of getting pulled from flight status.

One off sightings by individuals by and large are usually ridiculed. you even see that same ridicule portrayed in media and in the news. Thats not the scientific method. Its like out of place artifacts that dont match general dogma are ignored.

oh well. people going to see what they see, and people are going to laugh about it.
Thats not the scientific method...

Ah, but have you noticed how many “scientists” use it?

Scientists are human, the more insecure they are in their own abilities the more they ridicule others. Everyone here knowz da kine, eh?
Easy to ridicule people who spout their nonsense on nutjob conspiracy theory radio shows. You're more Trump than Trump!
Admittedly this topic is a difficult subject to wrap your head around. That’s why new technology could shed light on a question unanswered since ancient times. Perhaps the Human Charger could help?

The Human Charger illuminates your brain, literally, increasing energy (stay up late while UFO’s are in the air) and mental alertness (perhaps help explain what you just saw). It’s a pair of earbuds that shine “bright light directly to the light-sensitive regions of the brain, right where it is needed the most.”
Through your ears!
Yes! Really!
Disclaimer: I have no financial or other interest in this company other than to ridicule them:
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
No matter what the conversation might be about someone happens to bring up Trump, or Obama, Hitler, or Emails.


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