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Another Alternative Site for the TMT
It is Mauna Kea or bust for TMT. Forget all the "alternative site" discussions. In addition to it's prime "American" location, it sits at the crossroads of Asia, North America, South America. Astronomers love Mauna Kea for much more than its sheer astronomical value. You don't have the "comforts" of the good 'ol USA in India or Spain. And the Big Island itself can be very comfortable.
"Have to admit, I know very little about the observing techniques and instrumentation but, $$$ will buy the personnel with the knowledge...Enough money will buy anything"

Firstly, observatories do not have endless budgets, in fact, quite the opposite, their budgets are extremely limited. Secondly, the world's best experts are already used to analyze site data and what you can do at a telescope to overcome problems, but many problems cannot be overcome. So throwing more money around is not going to get you anywhere. As Scottie would say, "Ye cannae break the laws of physics, Jim".
I don'tknow why we are still arguing about this. Applying first principles, it is legal to build here and doing so has the support of th majority of the state's citizens. Secondary benefits include maintaining the rule of law and perpetuating the impression that Hawaii is a place that you can do business with. Whoops, those are primary benefits too. Can't really afford to do without them.
Anyplace is a place you can “do business with” if you are willing to lubricate with sufficient quantities of free money, and in most places most people basically don’t care.

***Still can't figure out how to spell 'car' correctly***
***Still can't figure out how to spell 'car' correctly***
How, by building a tower 14000 feet in the air and redirecting weather patterns? Might take a few more billions...
TomK - As Scottie would say, "Ye cannae break the laws of physics, Jim".

Thankfully we don't enforce the laws here so that makes anything possible. Can already see the TMT being transported to the summit by the lofty words and hot-air of the politicians.

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