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Access to Mauna Kea
Originally posted by kalakoa

Only beneficiaries of the trust get punished.

No, it's actually most people. The difference is that some will work to better their lives while others continually whine and complain that they didn't get everything handed to them.

Are the beneficiaries getting screwed over? Sure. Will driving a telescope off the island change this deplorable situation? Probably not.

If they put half as much effort into occupying a DHHL subdivision that was supposed to be theirs to use, I would respect their effort and maybe even find a way to help out.

I know some people who have gotten traffic tickets due to the "enhanced enforcement". Brilliant campaign by HPD to make people associate the protest with payment of fines and higher insurance rates. And guess what? It doesn't solve any of the problems.

Just another day in the land of "I got mine, screw you".

The land they are occupying now is the DHHL land that is supposed to be theirs. So does that mean you respect them and will find a way to help out? lol.

Also are you guys not seeing how hypocritical the DHHL is being? There's a non-beneficiary ranching on 100's of acres illegally for years, but they can't get the man power to remove him, but when beneficiaries but two structures taking up maybe half an acre total they more than enough in a matter of weeks. They had more than enough law enforcement there today, why didn't they go a few miles up the road after and remove the non-beneficiary?
Just curious, but I keep seeing this mentioned but know nothing about it. Sorry if I missed it. Who is this non-beneficiary?
The land they are occupying may be DHHL land on some level but it is also a public road. Part of belonging to a society.

ETA: Might be fun to watch the Reinstated Hawaiian Monarchy folks reinvent the wheel in terms of running a functional society but that would be too costly for the rest of us (for them too) and does not represent the sweet spot for maximizing justice.
Kaimana, do you have a name to google? I can't find the illegal ranch you are referring to.

Also, has Kai grilled DHHL about their lack of progress in turning land over to beneficiaries?
has Kai grilled DHHL...

Good point randomq.
Kai spends an inordinate amount of time on one guy who shouldn’t be on DHHL land, and no time on the 50,000 who should be living there. His point is weak.

Is the one guy preventing the others from getting their homeland property?
Should Kai focus on less people living on DHHL land, or more?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I think they're talking about Hale O Kuhio but not sure why he's not a beneficiary. Here's a you tube video from 2018:
Certainty will be the death of us.
Tom and randomq, I don't know the persons name but they've been brought up in several videos.

@ about the 9:10 minute mark. And about the 1:20 minute mark in the first video I posted.
a non-beneficiary ranching on 100's of acres illegally for years
don't know the persons name

Does it matter?
Is that one guy the reason Hawaiian people are not on their homesteads?
Or is Kai Kahele who like many others before him, creating a distraction around a phony or at best an inconsequential controversy, so people won't ask about the real issue - - where are our reasonably priced homesteads?

Removing one person and his cattle from the mountain or preventing construction of one telescope on Mauna Kea isn't going to get a single Native Hawaiian their homestead. Politicians are magicians, they use misdirection and sleight of hand to keep responsibility at bay. Harry Kim blames Ige. Ige blames Kim.

"Look over there! A guy on the mountain! Something that won't require any effort on my part! Why don't those other people do their job?"
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
The land they are occupying may be DHHL land on some level but it is also a public road.

SECTION 4. The passage of this Act is in full satisfaction and resolution of
all controversies at law and in equity, known or unknown, now existing or hereafter
arising, established or inchoate, arising out of or in any way connected with the
management, administration, supervision of the trust, or disposition by the State or
any governmental agency of any lands or interests in land which are or were or are
alleged to have been Hawaiian home lands, or to have been covered by the HHCA
arising between August 21, 1959 and July 1, 1988.

Mauna Kea Access Road was built in 1964. Act 14 also amends the HRS to limit future claims by "the" Hawaiians.

Not that any of this means anything: (1) "the" Hawaiians will keep suing in US courts while simultaneously claiming they're exempt from US law, (2) our elected officials will continue to "selectively enforce" the laws.

Local flavor: rumor has it that Hawaiian Style Cafe is helping to feed the protestors, and they recently refused service to a uniformed police officer. Clearly they are doing so well that they don't need my money.
I believe social media is the cause of all this turmoil over TMT. If construction was begun 10 years ago there would have been far less problems. They say it was responsible for several revolutions in the arab world. If you read the posts on FB, you can see it's whipping up people's emotions. Now they are focusing on this flag. Anyone else agree?

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