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Slug Found in Sandwich, In Hilo
A woman found a slug in her avocado sandwich purchased in Hilo. This could happen anywhere in East Hawaii as there are a lot of people involved in the distribution chain from lettuce grower, to picker, packer, and finally store employees who unpack, clean and prepare the sandwich. As terracore pointed out in his "low wattage light" thread, slugs are not easily deterred from growing vegetables. It takes constant attention and vigilance.

It's probably best if you check your fresh salads and sandwiches yourself as the final measure in the production chain before you take a bite.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
But it was an Organic Island Naturals sandwich - it couldn't possibly have caused her any harm .... Just ask Russell whose only concern is our health and well-being...
I'm wondering if it isn't time to phase out local lettuce in prepared sandwiches? Why not just sprouts and cucumbers? From the photo on facebook that was a pretty big slug. Back in the day I waited tables and everything I picked up and served got a good once over for errors from the kitchen including foreign objects. And I only worked in establishments where the kitchen was very much aware of what they put on a plate, presentation and zero errors was the standard. With the advent of RLW new protocol needs to come into place especially in establishments that depend on cranking out the food in volume. Perhaps the day of served local lettuce salads and such when the entire item is not easily visible prior to eating needs to be changed. Someone in mgmnt of Hilo Island Naturals store has a nonchalant defensive attitude about finding slugs in your food. "It happens" is not what someone wants to hear when exposed to a horrendous disease.
Wow. I hope she gets a really good lawyer.
I hope she gets a really good lawyer.

I hope she doesn't contract rat lungworm, and won't need a lawyer. When she saw they slug, she certainly did everything possible to minimize any RLW possible exposure (as noted in the article). Smart woman.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Thanks for sharing this story and highlighting one of the many problems here in Hawaii that many Oahu politicians fail to take seriously or fund until it starts becoming a problem on Oahu.

I have heard recently but can't remember the source that Coqui frogs may also be vectors of Rat Lungworm Disease. I know that some of our local politicians were strongly supporting funding for research, development, and education about this life changing disease, but then Oaho politicians managed to divert the funding and give it to the Department of Health who made a short TV ad or 2 about washing produce, but no research or any real education from what I have seen and heard.
If anything... It's an indicator that they didn't pay attention to what they are putting on their sandwhichs while assembling them. Not sure how you could do that, unless they employ legally blind people.
Rat lungworm is rarely fatal.... and rare! ie....a dozen cases/yr on BI, an island of a fifth million peeps...

Rat lungworm is Maxed out in East Hawaii... over 95% of Rats tested in Hilo are positive for the worm... over 500 tested...

Lepto kills a person in Hawaii once every 3 yrs on average (33/100 yrs)...

Lepto is real...

iow, Malahini... try worry about something real for a change, not ratlungworm... you have more of a chance of being killed by a shark, a coconut falling, a falling albizia tree, or by falling off a pali or falling into a lava tube on your property, than getting a fatal doze of Rat Lungworm via a salad or sandwich...

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
"Rat lungworm is rarely fatal.... and rare!"

Sorry bhead, I'll listen to my concerns. I mean, all things considered, your words don't make it any less of a horrific ordeal if one gets it.
people that got rat lung worm were in the hospital for months some permanently disabled.

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