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COVID19 Emergency Proclamation

Finally, Kim can spend the lava emergency disaster funds without pesky oversight.
Screw Puna residents with homes in the 2018 lava zone.
Screw the Hawaii Supreme Court & TMT.
What’s that you say? Fatalities from the COVID-19 virus occur mainly among 70 & 80 year olds?

Now that has someone’s attention.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
"The proclamation is a proactive measure to prevent the virus from coming here and to limit its impact if it does arrive."

“Our goal is to stop the virus, and if it does come here, to mitigate the spread of the virus,” Kim said.

This type of reporting needs to stop, we all know there are no test kits in Hawaii yet that is not referenced in the article. Making this statement is a blatant lie by omission. Kim must have lost touch with reality some time ago.

Just for clarity, Hawaii has their kits up and running through the approved changes made by the CDC.

Similar to his reply yesterday about the report critical of the County's response to the 2018 lava flows, Harry likes to highlight how quickly they position themselves for receiving funding. Almost like it's the primary focus of any response.
Almost like it's the primary focus of any response.

No "almost" about it. Hawaii is a MIRAB economy.
Originally posted by ironyak

Just for clarity, Hawaii has their kits up and running through the approved changes made by the CDC.

Similar to his reply yesterday about the report critical of the County's response to the 2018 lava flows, Harry likes to highlight how quickly they position themselves for receiving funding. Almost like it's the primary focus of any response.

So we have no cases in the entire state? Or is no one meeting the testing criteria?
So we have no cases in the entire state? Or is no one meeting the testing criteria?

No test, no case. Pretty cool, eh? The last time I saw that technique used so effectively was when Burt Campbell, the father on Soap, would employ the snap of the fingers variant to render himself invisible.
We have no confirmed cases. The Hawaii state lab got their kits working yesterday.

The testing criteria is now:
- People with symptoms AND a travel in the last 14 days to China, South Korea, Japan, Italy, or Iran.
- People with symptoms AND contact with an individual known to have tested positive.
- People with symptoms that results in hospitalization, but no diagnosis for influenza.

So the net is now larger, but could be better by testing for symptomatic individuals who don't have the flu, but before it requires hospitalization.

Regardless, it's just a matter of time. I'd be surprised if it takes more than a week or two for the first positive case to be found in Hawaii.
China, South Korea, Japan, Italy, or Iran

The virus is in 55 other countries too...
Well, technically the travel requirement is for any "country with at least a CDC Level 2 Travel Health Notice". So while those five currently qualify, as more countries show sustained community-transmission they would just be included when the travel notice is posted.

Again, containment is over - the point of expanded testing, travel notices (not bans), possible school closures or canceling large events, etc, is just to slow the rate of infection so less people end up in the hospital at the same time. The total number of cases this year would likely be similar with or without any interventions, but such measures hopefully spread out the cases over more time, which will be critical here in Hawaii as our meager healthcare system can barely address the needs on a normal day.

Hopefully Harry's potential funding is actually applied to the issue and is not just for more overtime, talk sessions, and pamphlets.

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