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Mike Ruggles
Making Marijuana Concentrate... with National Geographic and lolo mike lol

ps there is no f~en way this clown become Mayor, period...

same chance as Jello Biafra becoming Mayor of SF... or Pat Paulsen becoming Prez USA

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
Originally posted by bananahead

ps there is no f~en way this clown become Mayor, period...

same chance as Jello Biafra becoming Mayor of SF... or Pat Paulsen becoming Prez USA


You have a much higher level of confidence in the intelligence and rationality of Hawaii's political system than I do... either of the two individuals mentioned above (JB and PP) strike me as better candidates than most of those currently filing for our mayoral race.
I'm hoping for someone with integrity and some intelligence to run. Is that too much to ask?

Is E O'H running? She has some of the above...
Originally posted by lisa

I'm hoping for someone with integrity and some intelligence to run. Is that too much to ask?

I'd have to give that question and big YES... or maybe they ran and weren't elected.
I think geochem and I are on the same wavelength. It would be nice to have someone run for mayor that has integrity and intelligence, the problem is will we actually get a mayor with those qualities?
Unfortunately someone with integrity would feel compelled to be, to some degree, truthful about the conditions here on the island - which would be the kiss of death in today's media environment. As long as the candidates mouth the appropriate platitudes, then the "professional" media won't question or challenge any of their purported solutions or programs. Nor will they hold them to account when those few programs that they actually follow through on, produce nothing of value... Kim has been spouting bullsh*t for 20 years, and our local media dutifully publishes, without question, whatever nonsense he cares to mumble.

And pretty much the same can be said for most of our elected officials - look at the recent news from Kauai - a member of their county council was actively involved in the meth trade... Imagine that.
... and imagine our local police force not enforcing the law.

Too much of a "good old boy" network in place to expect integrity.

Intelligence... ? I don't know.

Eileen is certainly intelligent, but "electable" is an entirely different topic.

Only machine candidates can be elected to serve the machine.
Wake Up! Know Your Enemy and Take the Power Back (island style)

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