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HPP road fees
I am not in support of anything that suffocates and stifles the community moving forward what I am in support of is if the bylaws ,rules , contractual agreements and policies are to be followed This must be to their entirety.

What is mermaid’s profession and experience that she brings to the BOD table?
We know her abilities of division, denying, deflection, and distractions to disservice the association!
So it sounds like Larry is the one preventing the board’s discussion of road fee payment deferment? The other two board members want to have a meeting to discuss the fees, but Larry (President) is not allowing that?
Anyone communicate with him? What’s his take on this?
Lots of people are asking me and I want to be sure I’m passing on the correct info.

Puna: Our roosters crow first
Puna: Our roosters crow first
The situation as it stands is the question of how many official legal directors there are is there 3 or is there 4 ? Until the court determines this how can there be a legal vote that wouldn’t put the association at risk of yet another lawsuit? The President has to take this into consideration in the case a vote is taken and the “questionable” director is purposely eliminated from the vote if the court deems him a legal director? All things taken into perspective until the court makes a ruling a BOD vote without this director involved may be detrimental in the future. Only my opinion.
So, that means road fees are due by April 1st.

Puna: Our roosters crow first
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Originally posted by Stillwater

If anything could be accomplished here it would be that it Is up to the court to give the final word.

Do we have a Jekyl and Hyde here? That's Hyde, here's Jekyl:

"What is mermaid’s profession and experience that she brings to the BOD table? We know her abilities of division, denying, deflection, and distractions to disservice the association!

Stillwater speaks out both sides of her mouth. What a hypocrite. She's an arrogant wannabe director micromanaging HPPOA. She resigned and thinks she's still on the board. She talks like this on FB too. Stillwater > distract deflect deny and divide. Do us a favor and stop acting like you're still on the board.

What is mermaid’s profession and experience? What does she bring to the BOD table?
Leo might wanna put the bottle down. I’m consistent ( I’ll be Hyde) And have no want or need to be a director never have! I do want ALL the information to be known. It seems you don’t want ALL information relayed only what mermaid and yourself think the community needs to know. You can’t insist on transparency from only what you and mermaid choose to be known that is the epitome of being a hypocrite.

Originally posted by Stillwater

Leo might wanna put the bottle down. I’m consistent ( I’ll be Hyde) And have no want or need to be a director never have! I do want ALL the information to be known.

One side of your mouth doesn't know what the other side is saying. Fortunately for you all your posts are on Punatalk since you have a hard time remembering you can read them. Some look like you've been drinking barely decipherable. We're not idiots here not hard to figure out plenty of info to glean from on all these HPP threads that you're OBVIOUSLY threatened by Mermaid. dand confirmed you're harassing Mermaid. Obviously you were on the board and have a dog in the fight with the lawsuit. All the information will come out during trial. Punatalk isn't a court of law. Listen to your own advice LET THE COURTS DECIDE. Go take a chill pill and quit micromanaging HPPOA.

You are absolutely correct I do have a dog in this fight same as anyone who owns property in HPP!
I am counting on exactly that “we are not idiots here”
My point is for community owners to realize that all you and mermaid portray as fact and truth is partial to your opinions and what you two want and believe is best but there are another 8000+ property owners and what they find important needs to be considered!

Again I am not and have no want to be a director but ya hit the nail on the head Leo micromanaging is the Exact problem to many wanna be chiefs not enough indians !
Threatened by mermaid? Oh here we have it Leo claims mermaid’s threatening me .. got it right here in writing LOL.

Hey what’s mermaid’s profession and experience she brings to the BOD table?

Maybe your dog in the fight is your paving conflict of interest that I saw in action at the board of directors meeting. Mermaid was checking you to recuse yourself and you wouldn't and didn't. Just kept blah blah blah. I wasn't the only one sitting in the audience with dropped jaw. Pretty outright blatant, no shame. Same arrogant and rough personality there like in your posts. Many readers know you're the former treasurer.
Do you realize that every time you post you mention Mermaid's name? You're OBSESSED and not well. Take a chill pill Punatalk isn't a court of law and you ain't gonna fix anything here. Enough already.
"chiefs not enough indians !" Careful you might be accused of being racist.

You funny girl Leo LOL!
You gotta be transparent
Paving was voted on by the board
The director you keep saying is me didn’t vote and followed the bylaws and conflict of interest policy by recusing themself from the vote- Read the bylaws and conflict of interest policy.
Paving had to have had a contract ( no company would be stupid enough to not have one)
It was a licensed company that paved
The company carried all insurances
If the paving wasn’t done Hpp would have broken DOH agreement and paid more in penalties than the paving itself!
The paving was done in mermaid’s district
Now all of this is easily verified by calling the GM and asking the questions
oh except for this one:
Mermaid fought the paving ( improvements to the community) trying to stop the project when it was in progress
Ahh your maybe accusations of my being racist please Don’t confuse meetings where paving was on the agenda and when their were special meetings for reprimanded directors.....for what?
Now ya got transparency!!

What is mermaid’s profession and experience she brings to the BOD table?

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