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Cop Watch
This post shouldn't be interpreted as a plea to flaunt self-isolation, which is working very effectively. Unfortunately, I fear the cops are using this time as an opportunity to gain more authoritarian power (as they tend to do). The last few years has not been great for cop egos, and I think they see this as a way to reverse things.

Remember, be responsible and self quarantine, but don't give up your rights in the meantime. If randomly stopped by a cop, you are under no obligation to tell him or her anything, not what you're doing, where you're going, where you live, etc. Think of it this way: keeping your mouth closed will limit your Covid-19 exposure.
Hunt Stoddard - If randomly stopped by a cop, you are under no obligation to tell him or her anything

Unless you're operating a motor vehicle or are being detained of course - then you needs your "papers, please". But yeah, "am I being detained or am I free to go?" is an essential phrase in any popo guidebook.

Hopefully everyone can play by the rules, although during a declared emergency, some of those rules might be quarentined, so doesn't hurt to keep your cards close and play it extra safe.
If you're stopped due to a violation you need to give the usual stuff, license, registration, insurance. If stopped at a "checkpoint" things become much more murky. You "probably" don't need to hand over a DL, though states do have DL checkpoints. In my opinion they're very sketchy constitutionally. However, you're not obliged to utter a single word, either way. Mums the word. If you're guilty of something, let them prove it; don't provide the evidence yourself.

Cops here are "usually" pretty cool, though I once had one ask me "where are you headed today?", a classic technique to elicit information. Under present circumstances, the most likely scenario would be that a cop asking you why you're driving. Say nothing.

This is all provided there isn't Martial Law. That's a whole other game.
Since we are under an officially declared emergency proclamation, those ideas reagrding "don't tell the cops anything", goes right out the window. You try that on your own...
As a general rule the very second your pulled over the police are doing an official investigation and Miranda be damned, anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law.
If you want to be hard nosed you could say, I dont do interviews. or I dont talk to police. You can also ask if your being detained or free to go. if the police officer says your being detained you can then ask what are you being charged with to which he/she will need to figure something. If they dont, then you can say am I free to go.

Or, in these days, you can give one of the justified reasons for travel, "i need to get gas" "i need to get groceries" "im going to the doctor" etc.

IANAL, but it may be quicker to just give a smile and a direct answer of what they need to hear to prevent a ticket and be on your way than providing them with reason to give you a rectal cavity search.

I fear the cops are using this time as an opportunity to gain more authoritarian power

Here, on island, the cops are doing what? Where?
leilanidude - Since we are under an officially declared emergency proclamation, those ideas reagrding "don't tell the cops anything", goes right out the window. You try that on your own...

A threat from nature, a declared emergency, police check-points, National Guard mobilizing, infringements on rights... Seems like some of us have "been there, done that" right?

What say you 1v1 - deja vu, all over again?
Apparently a 1905 Supreme Court ruling on smallpox may come into play as far as which freedoms states can restrict during an emergency:
a declared emergency, police check-points

I'm surprised we don't already have color-coded vehicle placards to identify the various kinds of "essential" personnel. Designed by consultants in San Diego, of course, because County doesn't have that expertise in-house.
police check-points...,

If Harry lifted a finger to do something as rational as checkpoints.. yeah right, ain't gonna happen. If you haven't noticed Harry is following Trump's guidance.. head up his ass fingers in his ears the standard "I see nothing" Sergeant Schultz attitude works best for him. I don't see why we would expect any more from the police.

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