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Your Favorite Subdivision!
Beachboy- have you considered Hawaiian Beaches/Shores?

IMHO Nanawale has always had a bad reputation. I lived there for 6 years with no problems. I always felt safe. I would leave my property for a month at a time every year with no worries. They have a good neighborhood watch program. As for HPP (I've also lived there and we own some property there as well) it's huge and as John said it's really a block-by-block thing.

In any subdivision in Puna there are nice homes and there are shacks, there are great neighbors and there are scary neighbors. It all depends. I highly recommend that any area that you are thinking of you check out at different times of the day and you talk to as many people as you can. Everybody's got a story.

Are you coming over to buy before you make the move?


As a resident of HPP I can point out some of the plusses and minuses. Just remember, one person's plus is easily another's minus, as I will note in some cases.

1. Most lots are one acre, except those near the shore. I like the space, but some people find it a burden.

2. Generally nice homes throughout, but there ARE some unattractive pockets.

3. Easier commute to Hilo than the other two subdivisions mentioned.

4. No covenants and restrictions. You have a lot of freedom within the County codes, but so does the guy next door who might start a rooster farm or collect junk cars.

5. Property values seem to hold higher in HPP than the other two, but this could mostly be because of the larger lot size.

1. HPP is very rapidly developing, with little in the way of amenity or infrastructure improvement so far.

2. All but the main feeder roads to the highway are unpaved, although there are somewhat controversial plans being floated to get them all paved. There are some people who like the "country feel" of the cinder roads, but they seem to be a minority.

3. There is a decided lack of recreational and shopping facilities for such a large population base. (There ARE a couple of decent private elementary schools, though, the Waldorf and Auntie Cindy's.)

4. Catchment water is the main option unless you are very near the highway. (With modern equipment, most folks adjust to this just fine.)

5. The Homeowners Association has a somewhat checkered reputation of late, but I rate it average for Puna.

I'm sure I missed some things, so you other HPP folks please chime in.

Hope this helps,

Edited by - JerryCarr on 10/31/2006 08:52:38
As a resident of HPP I can point out some of the plusses and minuses. Just remember, one person's plus is easily another's minus, as I will note in some cases.

jerrycarr, what do you think of the neighborhood right around 8th or 9th Ave. & Kaloli?


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
The area around Kaloli and 8th, 9th is generally nice. It is not close enough to the shore to be in the very top end for lot prices, but it isn't a very long way to the ocean, either.

I have not heard of or seen anything in that area that would make one want to avoid it, but I strongly suggest very comprehensive fact-finding before buying. If you are choosing a lot or home because nothing is on either side, check to see if permits have been pulled for construction and still be aware that someone could build at any time. Don't just check out the neighbors on either side and across the street, but also see what backs up to your prospective home on either side. Just common sense stuff.


Obviously, I'm in that area a LOT. 8th/9th and Kaloli is generally pretty nice. It would be Keaau school district (the dividing line is essentially Paradise Drive), since I remember you asking about the different schools.

Thanks for the reminder.

John Dirgo, RA, ABR, e-PRO
Island Trust Properties, LLC
808-987-9243 cell

Edited by - jdirgo on 11/01/2006 10:16:56
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
Are you sure about the schools, John? I thought the Kaloli side was Keaau and the Makuu side was Pahoa.

I thought that I had read this before...
Does Kaloli and close by to that 10th? have a flooding problem where sometimes the road gets impassible? Not be good to be in a house there either then for that potential problem. Is that a problem there in that area? Or potential around that area?
Anyone know where it is a problem in HPP?
or know the rating--flood zone?


Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!

Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!
LOL, the OTHER thing I alway reverse in my head -- Kaloli and Maku'u. I even did it on a Realtors caravan the other week. Thankfully the caravan coordinator caught it and called me. Thanks again, Jerry.

Really, I'm not brain-dead, I just have a little mental dyslexia. Probably a side effect of the ADD I had as a kid.

John Dirgo, RA, ABR, e-PRO
Island Trust Properties, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
There's an area near 12th and Makuu (really, I'm sure its Makuu this time), that develops some large slow-draining pools of water in heavy rains. A couple of weeks ago (after the BIG storm), it was blocked off by the HPPOA for a day or two.

Over by Shower and upper HPP (the high 20's), there is an area that tends to have drainage problems and water flow as well, but I doubt that any of them have officially been classified as floodplains.

John Dirgo, RA, ABR, e-PRO
Island Trust Properties, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John is right about the two areas that have problems with excess water (in the roads, mainly.) The Association has taken some abatement measures, but there are still problems after extremely heavy rains. Since no homes are seriously affected, there are no official flood plain warnings required, but a truly honest "due disclosure" might mention it. The really wild stuff is up in Orchidland, and Hazen can tell you about that.


Edited by - JerryCarr on 11/01/2006 14:33:48

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