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UFO tonight!
We just saw a UFO hovering high In the atmosphere toward the southwest right before sunset. Big and white and didn’t appear to be moving. I suspected a huge weather ballon. Got out my telescope and sure enough! Giant weather balloon like the giant ones NASA has launched before. Saw it very clearly with the telescope. It was very round which means it was very high in the atmosphere for the helium to expand that much. Any idea who launched this one? I have read that this type expands to the size of a football field and costs about $2 million each.
So the title of your thread is misleading.   Should be IFO...   identified flying object.
I'm very impressed Hotinhawaii2 not only had a telescope to hand but could point it to an object while the sun was setting and determine that something in the sky was a weather balloon.
I'm very impressed

This positive feedback really brightened my day. I am proud to be part of such a supportive community.
Any idea who launched this one?

Years ago I watched a silver weather(?) balloon released near the old control tower at Hilo airport.  It was approximately 4-6 feet across(?). They were inside the fence so I assume state or federal officials.  Sorry I can't be more specific, but it was awhile ago.  Perhaps you can call an airport administrative office and ask if they know of an agency that might launch a balloon from there?

(Be careful looking into a telescope aimed near the sun before it sets.  It would only take a moment to burn your retina)
(05-29-2021, 07:58 PM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: Any idea who launched this one?

Years ago I watched a silver weather(?) balloon released near the old control tower at Hilo airport.  It was approximately 4-6 feet across(?). They were inside the fence so I assume state or federal officials.  Sorry I can't be more specific, but it was awhile ago.  Perhaps you can call an airport administrative office and ask if they know of an agency that might launch a balloon from there?

(Be careful looking into a telescope aimed near the sun before it sets.  It would only take a moment to burn your retina)
This one was gigantic! I think it must have been the $2 million kind. I have read that many companies have launched them to get very high res images of the earth. I could tell it was nothing like a 4-6 foot balloon. I could clearly see the ridges on the sides and I could see it billowing in the wind. 
As for the UFO title, I'm sticking with it. It was a UFO for an hour for me and many others saw it and no one could identify it. It appeared round and stationary to the naked eye.
(05-29-2021, 07:28 PM)kalakoa Wrote: I'm very impressed

This positive feedback really brightened my day. I am proud to be part of such a supportive community.

Heart  Big Grin
(05-29-2021, 07:58 PM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: Any idea who launched this one?

Years ago I watched a silver weather(?) balloon released near the old control tower at Hilo airport.  It was approximately 4-6 feet across(?). They were inside the fence so I assume state or federal officials.  Sorry I can't be more specific, but it was awhile ago.  Perhaps you can call an airport administrative office and ask if they know of an agency that might launch a balloon from there?

(Be careful looking into a telescope aimed near the sun before it sets.  It would only take a moment to burn your retina)

I think NOAA launches the everyday.  I see them frequently because they seem to launch about the same time I check the mail.
Why would someone launch a 2 million dollar balloon to take high res images when you can access images that can identify vehicles and other objects from existing satellite images ?
You ever hear of google maps ?

The county has high res photos of your property and can tell if you are building anything and they will tax you for it !

Pretty sure they aren't launching 2 million dollar balloons to do that.

(05-30-2021, 02:30 AM)Chas Wrote:
(05-29-2021, 07:28 PM)kalakoa Wrote: I'm very impressed

This positive feedback really brightened my day. I am proud to be part of such a supportive community.

Heart  Big Grin

I have actually met and had a few beers with TomK.

kalakoa however is a troll and he or she is non existent to me.

Too many contradictory tales !!!
when you can access images that can identify vehicles and other objects from existing satellite images ? 

Exactly right Obie.  Maxar offers daily photos of almost everything, anywhere on the planet.  And they sell them.  They’ll also take custom orders.  Occasionally they’ll post photos publicly of world events like the ship that blocked the Suez Canal.  The images are extremely detailed.  There’s no reason to launch a $2 million balloon for a few snapshots around East Hawaii, when you can buy better photos taken with the latest equipment, for a lot less money.  Also, balloons don’t always go where you want them to go, they’re at the mercy of the wind.  If you provide Maxar with precise coordinates, they’ll give you a closeup of that exact location.

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