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Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says
Drum circle in your living room?  High risk.

Drum circle at the beach?  Maybe not so much.  You would be hard pressed to find better ventilation than at the beach.

The NFL played a full season last year, and while there were several small clusters within clubs that came from family, staff and other transmissions within the club, the NFL has not had a single infection traced to interaction during a game.

Outdoors good.  Indoors bad.
Drum circle at the beach?  Maybe not so much. 

Unless the big fat damp spliffs start getting passed around.  
Disclosure: I’ve only heard rumors of such things.  When I talk with my neighbors.
Point taken. I hope mine was as well.
I hope mine was as well.

Yes, agreed, outdoors in Puna is generally very good.
Fresh air blowing in from across 2500 miles of unpopulated Pacific Ocean is pretty hard to beat.
"A total of 131 new cases were identified on the Big Island Thursday, where 920 cases are active and 21 individuals are hospitalized. The increase in coronavirus cases has been expected with more travel and the arrival of the Delta variant in the Hawaiian Islands, though cases on the Big Island are rising faster than anywhere except O´ahu over the last two weeks."

Now for Aaron, I have no idea what you are responding to here "AaronM - #6 9 hours ago (This post was last modified: 9 hours ago by AaronM.) - I wasn't aware that vaccination rates are available by Puna neighborhood. Would you share your source for that data so that we may know which part of Puna has a "Less than 35% vaccination rate"?
Your post (the 6th one in this thread) is the FIRST mention of Puna neighborhoods in this post.... maybe some one removed a post, if so, without that context your repeating the neighborhood question in post #9 is just odd, as the posters that posted the links already acknowledged your belated observation!!!
"AaronM - #9 5 hours ago - First, those are zip codes and not neighborhoods. Second, most of the Puna zip codes are around 35%. Maybe just avoid Puna altogether to be safe, or not - YMMV."

(08-05-2021, 06:19 PM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: Maybe just avoid Puna altogether to be safe

In my Puna neighborhood, everyone I know is vaccinated.  You don’t need a state COVID map to talk with your neighbors.  You don’t need a state COVID map to guess that a non social distancing drum circle or a tightly packed maskless church congregation may become known as a cluster.

From the work I have done so far on the response to COVID, I will state this: unless you are intimately aware of ANYONES vaccination, you do not know who is actually vaccinated!
Cannot stress that enough, even family members that THOUGHT everyone was vaccinated found out a family member had not gotten vaccinated, however they had told everyone that they had been....even as close as spouse, sibling or adult child....

I would also now add: unless you are intimately aware of anyones COVID status, treat everyone as if they are infected...
At this point, COVID is as (if not more) transmissible as Chicken Pox....& should be treated as such!
Carey, I don't know what your role is in the vaccination program, but I thank you for it.

I have not been able to find out what cycle threshold is used for the PCR tests in Hawaii. Do you know this, or have a way of finding out?

Or, for that matter, anyone else?
(08-06-2021, 12:41 AM)My 2 cents Wrote: Carey, I don't know what your role is in the vaccination program, but I thank you for it.

I have not been able to find out what cycle threshold is used for the PCR tests in Hawaii.  Do you know this, or have a way of finding out?

Or, for that matter, anyone else?
I have not seen any updated info, for any labs specific to Hawai`i, for Ct amplification since last fall... 
As new test EUAʻs come onboard, they have to report to FDA & this is the newest I have found (presumably with the Delta strain involved in the Ct amplification sampling, but not noted):

As far as Hawai`i, KHON reported the Ct values (mainly on the Hologic Aptima SARS-CoV-2 assay) that were current as of their report last fall, perhaps checking with Gina Magieri for any updates?
"920 cases are active and 21 individuals are hospitalized."

So 2% of the active cases require hospitalization. How many of those 21 have preexisting conditions? How many are elderly? How many are immunocompromised? How many are overweight? Without any context, numbers are just numbers.
Hate to sound cynical, but the lack of context is intentional. We're simply not supposed to question them. I don't believe there are many "pure COVID" deaths, I think they're mostly "pre-existing condition exacerbated by COVID", and that a substantial number of these deaths were basically inevitable.
(08-06-2021, 05:02 AM)kalakoa Wrote: " substantial number of these deaths were basically inevitable."

UMMM... really hate to break it to all of you, but for each of us (taking a great leap here, & presuming this audience is mainly mortals), death is "basically inevitable"

As the Delta variant spreads, the "age at death" is going down (there are a few reasons for this but it is worth realizing that we ARE seeing folks die that are younger & have no previous known next month, we will know more on how this weeks ʻcandidatesʻ fare... but that is kinda the point... in a month ~ 10% of this weeks reported will have been hospitalized & ~1% will have died)...
AND more than "mild" symptoms & long COVID are increasing in the younger populations... plus the routine COVID hospital stays & ICU stays for those that survive are so dramatically longer than the more "average" hospital stays...

Here is some info for those that need to see it:

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