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Mayor looking at closing beaches.
That's how I understand it too. But I haven't heard of mayors from other counties wanting to close their beaches.
Certainty will be the death of us.
After sitting on his hands until the hospitals were full, Mitch Roth must think he needs to do something dramatic. This feels more punitive than effective, and firmly enforced restrictions on indoor gatherings, including churches, might be more effective.
I think whatever Mitch might do is just hors d'oeuvres. But worry not the main course is on the burner as we speak..


Hawaii Lt. Gov. Josh Green says the state is considering a vaccination verification program, similar to San Francisco and New York City, which would require people to show proof of vaccination against COVID-19 in order to enter restaurants, bars, gyms and other indoor establishments.

He said such a policy could be two to three weeks away.

“We are working up that policy and giving it as an option to the governor,” Green told Spotlight Hawaii this morning...
(08-21-2021, 03:56 AM)ChunksterK Wrote: After sitting on his hands until the hospitals were full, Mitch Roth must think he needs to do something dramatic.  This feels more punitive than effective, and firmly enforced restrictions on indoor gatherings, including churches, might be more effective.

I agree, and if Roth decides to close beach parks, I hope he will actually provide the evidence that backs up his decision. If there is evidence that supports community spread of Covid at beaches, I'll support the policy.
Tom, I have yet to see anything that states that the closure of the beaches was directly in response to the spread of COVID on beaches.
I do know that our county Ocean Safety personnel are part of our emergency response staff within the Fire Department & that Dept. has been asked to assist with other COVID related needs, including hospital staffing on island. Added to that was the drastic reduction in the Ocean Safety budget last year... & you can see that something might have to give...
I also know that at this point, our hospitals are nearly full & reducing the number of ocean related emergencies might help the hospitals.
State-wide, 2020 had only 16 drownings (11 from Jan-Mar), compared to 56 in 2019.... if other Ocean Safety emergencies are reduced in a comparable manner, it does not take advanced math to see that closing beaches & discouraging tourists at beaches might reduce emergency calls that end up in our very crowded hospitals....

& this upcoming week is Beach Safety Week.... For those that need a reminder that our beaches are not ʻrisk-freeʻ
Thanks for that, Carey. I wasn't aware that Ocean Safety staff were being asked to assist with Covid related needs. All I'm asking is that Roth makes it clear why he closes access to the beaches if he indeed does that. A little clarity goes a long way to avoid people being pissed off with closures they they don't understand.
"I do know that our county Ocean Safety personnel are part of our emergency response staff within the Fire Department & that Dept. has been asked to assist with other COVID related needs"

Again, isn't this backwards? "We don't have any lifeguards, so you people get off the beach and into the water!"
"Again, isn't this backwards?" - My 2 cents

Of course it's backwards, but this is Hawaii County and such thinking is entirely to be expected. Also, a significant number of our ocean emergencies are not even at beach parks, with opihi pickers and people falling off cliffs coming immediately to mind. No, Mitch Roth and other officials have simply waited too long for a dramatic gesture.

The time to do something was a month or more ago when the Delta variant got cranking. A strictly enforced clampdown on gatherings, particularly churches, might have done us some good back then, but Mitch and the others did not have the courage to act. Josh Green and others say, "We don't want to punish everyone just because some people are irresponsible," but good public health policy isn't punishment. They just didn't want to interrupt the money flowing into various coffers. Mitch has turned out to be just another lame Hawaii politician.
... with opihi pickers and people falling off cliffs 

The last time beaches were closed, it included other water access areas including the cliffs along HPP.  Generally I don’t consider the “night shift” visitors who frequent this area along Beach Road to be the most law abiding of citizens, but during the closure no one parked overnight or conducted their usual business transactions during the entire time.  Even those amorous love birds who drive down here for the view, then toss their drug store purchases on the ground were nowhere to be found.  
(08-23-2021, 02:42 AM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: ... with opihi pickers and people falling off cliffs 

The last time beaches were closed, it included other water access areas including the cliffs along HPP.  Generally I don’t consider the “night shift” visitors who frequent this area along Beach Road to be the most law abiding of citizens, but during the closure no one parked overnight or conducted their usual business transactions during the entire time.  Even those amorous love birds who drive down here for the view, then toss their drug store purchases on the ground were nowhere to be found.  
 I have never understood the idea that " This sure is a nice place to park, look at the swells, at the waves at the clouds. Beautiful, well it's time to go ,just throw all the chip bags, used rubbers and soda cans in the bush and someone may pick it up. If not there are ,other spots to go to.
 I have been running on Shipman trails for the last 20 years. I have found that most, not all fisherman have a basic understanding of keeping the aina clean. The "Night shift" denizens not so much. There appears to be nothing to do.If I am feeling gutsy I may remind every one to leave it cleaner than they found it. And I'll pack out a few bottles.
This is why we can't have nice things. No one to enforce laws down here at Kalolipoint.

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