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Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says
BJ Penn is running for Hawaii governor (maybe) promisingly a no vaccine or mask required administration.  As a brain concussion enthusiast he starts off reminding us of the obvious:

“I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life...

Then goes on to promise us even more:

“As soon as I step into Hawaii’s Governor office I will remove All new federal and state mandates that have been hurting our economy, residents, and ‘ohana. We will get the best doctors, medicines, therapies, and health care the world has to offer to fight this pandemic and always keep Hawaii among the safest and healthiest states in the union.

“We will get rid of all vaccine passports. Hawaii will be a vaccinated with Aloha and Unvaccinated with Aloha policy for everyone. Same with the masks. We will follow the constitution to the tee. I am not here to fit in with the other politicians, I am here to get our freedoms back!”
Aw rats, you beat me to it. I think BJ is the solution to all of our problems. Especially getting rid of the federal vax mandate. And bringing in the BEST doctors? Why didnʻt anyone else think of that?!
Certainty will be the death of us.
(10-05-2021, 11:37 PM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: BJ Penn is running for Hawaii governor..

If only he could keep from trying to kill his opponents.. and pass a drug test..
Fighting that bouncer at The Shack was classic BJ. Unfortunately the domestic violence related restraining order was also classic BJ. Add to that when he threatened his neighbor with a machete. Oh yeah and last year when he flipped his truck while under the influence near Kuhio mall. Etc, etc, etc.

I'm guessing he is a successful candidate for CTE and not for Governor.
(10-05-2021, 07:42 PM)kander Wrote: As far as healthy individuals having health issues after post vax, These stories are rarely covered in the news cycles. Unless your a somebody, your a nobody and insignificant. even the 15,000 or so cases involving death where medical professionals felt it important enough to spend the hour or so filling out the form on the vaers site are insignificant. But if a friend or relative comes down with miocardidis, or dies post vax its a little more important to those close to them.

The question I asked is if you could be specific about the strange things happening to vaccinated people, and you still haven't answered that question. If you are in possession of information we need to know about, please share it. You say the stories are rarely covered, but in saying that you must know about them, so please share.
(10-05-2021, 10:44 PM)kalianna Wrote: Your chances of dying from the vax are twenty times less than if youʻre unvaxxed.

Puna:  Our roosters crow first!
I think Kalianna meant dying from Covid, not from the vaccination.
Yes, that was not well-written. Thanks for the translation, TomK.
Certainty will be the death of us.
(10-06-2021, 07:47 AM)TomK Wrote: The question I asked is if you could be specific about the strange things happening to vaccinated people, and you still haven't answered that question. If you are in possession of information we need to know about, please share it. You say the stories are rarely covered, but in saying that you must know about them, so please share.
First individual female age about 55. Was fully vaccinated 2.5 months ago. 1 month ago was having severe headaches and was admitted to Queens, contrasting was done to discover multiple blood vessels bleeding in brain. These types of brain bleeds are usually genetic but no family members have had issues, two weeks later was checked back into queens for the same unbearable headaches. Last week she again was hospitalized for inflammation Pericarditis around her heart. Nobody knows why she is having these problems.Its just a mystery.

2nd female age 40, two weeks from vaccination severe muscle cramping and swelling of breast tissue. General lethargy and heart palpitations. was given a prescription of anti-depressants.

3rd female, age 60+ 3 months after being fully vaccinated against her Dr's recommendation is now having swelling around the heart Pericarditis well as hepatic toxicity. As a person who is a non drinker this is very unusual.

4 individual male age 57, 6 months after being fully inoculated. He started passing blood in his urine. Cat scan revealed no kidney stones or blockage, and it wasn't his prostate either.  first blood tests said he had AIDS, but on further testing showed negative. The doc told him his immune system was all out of whack. referred him to some other kind of doctor.

These are the people I know. I have also heard stories from people I know of people they know or are related to.  This is why I said, people have to be noticing it, or not seeing it as a possible side effect from the vax. 
As with everything, in 3 years we can look at the data and see. Most of the country has been vaccinated anyway so its all academic at this point.
So that's four people who became ill. Now, how do you connect that to having taken the vaccine? What is your evidence that the vaccine caused those illnesses?

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