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Coqui's are quite, what's up with that??
Hi Glen, I'm in HB but have friends near about 19 or 20 off Macuu in HPP. They've been at it about six months and have the pvc traps out and broadcast dry lime, but it looks like the frogs are winning. It seems to me there are pockets developing almost everywhere. I guess it just depends on how dense and how close the jungle cover is to your home. Just like improving habitat for wildlife back on the mainland; build it and they will come. I'm nearly surrounded by jungle here with undeveloped lots, so it's a real problem. Funny, because when we bought a couple of years ago, there wasn't a single frog to be heard. Now my neighbors and I have to use earplugs to get to sleep. Anyone wanting to know how bad it might get need only drive down into the Lava Tree State Park just after dusk on a warm/wet evening.

I have coqui all around me in Pahoa Village. They don't bother me much but I have pondered installing a misting system with citric acid around the property perimeter. It seems like a misting system might be a low effort and dependable way to "maintain" the coqui population near the house.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Rob that's brilliant! I'll bet a thing like that could really catch on.


"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." Groucho Marx

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Okay, so a couple o' things...
1) I found a second coqui in the dark yesterday as I sat on the back lanai...he was just clinging to the wall of the house watchin' me...he got flushed.

2) Nate man, that was either really creative stuff (maybe a little pak) or really twisted ('cause I started actually imagining the scene) LOL!! In either case, whoa.


"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." Groucho Marx

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Has anyone thought about chickens? I am not talking about your garden variety chicks but Buckeyes or some kid of agressive forager. My grandmother had Buckeyes to keep the rat and mouse population down on her farm. A weird thing about Buckeye's is they start foraging an hour before sunrise and and hour after sunset, besides all the general scratching during the day.

A couple of Buckeye hen chicks (rooster need not apply) fed early on a supply of hand caught couqui and you would have coqui killing chicken machines. You might be able to start with grown Buckeyes if you cast only a little feed (enough to force foraging) in coqui areas. And Buckeye's do pretty well with high pens/roost, that would keep away mongeeses.

Just and idea.

Rob, that is genius. If one could just keep them back away from the house they really aren't that bothersome. From a lot or two away, they're actually kinda soothing. If you go ahead with it, please let us know.

Jared, we have chickens free roaming in the neighborhood. I assume they get some frogs, but I'd bet they are even better at eating the eggs. I considered bringing in a few for this purpose, but decided I just couldn't do that to my old pointer. I'm afraid he'd stop eating.

You need to be very careful with the lime.
Read the directions. Never, ever apply it dry it always must be mixed with water.
Hydrated lime in powder form is deadly.
The wind picks it up and spreads it.
Not good

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
Thanks Scott, you're right. Protective gear including chemical gloves and a respirator/filter. I scold my friends who broadcast it dry but they do it anyway.

One of the sales kids at Garden Supply told me that lots of his customers apply dry lime with leaf blowers. He didn't seem to think that was a problem.

Even wet, it's still dangerous. I've been leveling the slab floors inside my house with sand-topping mix. The rubber boots were a hassle so I just went for it barefoot. A few hours of wading in it and my feet blistered - it was the lime.

This article reports how some feed dead coqui to chickens and swear it has proven helpful..

Aloha HADave & Mz P

Hawaiian Acres

The best things in life are free.... or have no interest or payments for one full year.

Runner ducks like coquis for dinner. A woman in Hi Acres was raising them to keep the population on her lot low. Seemed to be keeping her lot at a low CO-KEE...

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