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Astronomy in Hawaii under threat?
I think it’s something like only the priests were allowed up there. It’s their land and their beliefs who are we to judge? I believe you’re making a straw man with no basis or understanding of the subject.
only the priests were allowed up there. It’s their land and their beliefs 

With my utter lack of understanding on the subject, it's impossible for me to comprehend how we could ask present day priests of the Hawaiian religion (which was banned in 1819 by the ali'i) who have no lineage to ancient priests and who may or may not have practiced their religion on the summit (we don't really know), which was a trek of weeks or months before 1819, what decisions should be made about the summit Mauna Kea.

Do Catholics and Protestants agree on matters of parctice and faith?
Shia & Sunni?

Kingdom of Hawaii or Hawaiian Kingdom?  They're separate entities today with plenty of disagreements.
I think you missed the part about it being their land and how it was illegally taken over very recently. You want to do things with it based on your beliefs, who are we to tell them they can’t do things based on their beliefs? It has to make sense to you or it’s illegitimate?
I think you missed the part about 

Whose land?
Whose beliefs?
There is no connection from present day to ancient times.
If my grandparents were originally from Europe can I go back to their village and stake my claim to their former property with no direct, legal connection to it?  

Do you know any Native Hawaiians with a direct connection to the ancient priesthood, or land claims on Mauna Kea?  Should the Kingdom of Hawaii, Hawaiian Kingdom, and others divvy it up into triangular shaped parcels starting at a point on the summit?  Who decides the exact location of the point?  Who decides who gets East? West? North? South?
Yes. I do know some. The remarkable thing that always impresses me is the ability to recall centuries of family and lineage from memory. I won’t address your new straw man. They literally still own a lot of the land being discussed. If not owned outright the ceded lands are held in trust to Benefit the Hawaiians and the public.

Some history to catch you up, the issue is very current, very contentious, very important to the Hawaiian people.
Yes. I do know some. 
Some history to catch you up

Talk about a straw man.  We've blown right by that and moved on to the invisible man.
Suit yourself. It’s a gorgeous day out and I will be enjoying it in the garden shortly. Aloha
enjoying it in the garden shortly.

Me too!
It's been the best spring for gardening I've ever seen, don't you think?
Currently picking, beans, snow peas, turnips, basil, parsley, komatsuma, mustard greens, lettuce.  I'm really excited about the high anthocyanin purple tomatoes just setting fruit.
Get plenty beans, bokchoy, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, basil, green onions and more coming soon.
It's like jangling your keys above a baby.

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