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I want to warn my friends..
And for those who are interested, I have found some non HFCS products locally.
Big Island Bakerys wholegrain breads (cost u less carrys them).
Hawaiian Kukui Jellys at Safeway
Safeway brand pancake syrup
Total cereal
Rice Chex
Japanese Style Rice Crackers-walmart
You have to read all labels and do look out for Trans fats...bad stuff.

Nancy - I agree 100% that the food we buy today is a potential minefield. Just what IS safe or healthy to eat any more. Ecoli seems to be in everything from melons to lettuce. I had a Unkranian friend tell me "Those who love hotdogs and the law should never see either being made." I ate a Ukranian hotdog in Kiev. I think that even today I am being adversely affected by it.

Edited by - toucano on 12/31/2006 11:54:25
Nancy, I just wanted to thank you for your post. I knew to avoid trans fats, but hadn't heard about high fructose corn syrup. I went to my kitchen and started reading labels. I have been eating Power Bars for breakfast and found that HFCS is the second ingredient listed. I'm now looking for a new breakfast food. Also, the bread I've been eating has HFCS. I agree that we probably shouldn't start banning certain things, but I do want to be informed about the damage that I may be unwittingly doing to myself by eating certain foods. What bothers me is that HFCS and trans fats were put in our food and we've been eating this stuff for years. I was buying dried fruit the other day and I assumed that there wasn't any sugar added to dried fruit, but when I started reading labels I found that some brands to add some sort of sweetner. So, I guess I need to not make assumptions and read more labels. It's a hassle, but I want to know what I'm eating and feeding to my family. Again, thanks very much for keeping us informed.


Scott - agree with you totally. I dont want others telling me by legislation what I can or cant do. I cant smoke in certain areas but patchouli wearers who you can smell at 40 ft and gives me a headache are okay. Who decides, the whiniest voice?
There was a time when Brazilians drank fresh squeezed fruit juices, ate beans, rice, and a lot of fish. The poorer and older people still do. One from tradition. The other from necessity because of cost. I can get a complete meal FOR 2 of fresh juice/rice/beans/fresh salad/grilled chicken for about US$3.50 at many small restaurants, about the cost of a BigMac there. But the younger Brazilians? It makes me sad to see how Coke is THE defacto national drink and a meal at a McDonalds is much preferred. When I see my Brazilian friends eating at McDonalds, I ask if they really want to end up like um americano gordo. Naturally they say they don't as they unwrap another BigMac and wonder why they didn't 'SUPER-SIZE' that order of fries.

Thank you, Nancy, for a very valuable piece of information. That stuff is awful and they put it in things you would not even think of having sweetener in them.

Aside from the awful health consequences, I think the stuff does not taste as good as cane sugar in most foods. I remember being quite upset when Coca Cola switched from cane sugar to that stuff.

There is a small Dr. Pepper bottling plant in Dublin, Texas that still uses cane sugar, and people from all over the world go there and do mail order to get it. We did a blindfolded taste test at our family reunion in Texas last year, and 10 out of 11 participants pegged the Dr. Pepper with the cane sugar.


Jerry, I am not surprised! I was in TX in 1999 and stumbled upon a store that was selling it. What a difference!

Typically Tropical Properties
75-5870 Walua Road, Suite 101
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

Legislation isn't all bad. Consider Folate, now added in lots of foods, cereals breads and others. It is a B vitamin. The reason is was legislated was to prevent birth defects in children. For pennies on the hundred, spina bifida is virtually eliminated in this country since this legislation.

If people had a clue as to what HFCS and TransFats do to their livers and bodies they would run from the stuff seriously.

Now where can I get some cane sugar Dr. Pepper? Yum

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Go to . They have online ordering, and they ship via the US Post Office Priority Mail, so the shipping cost is not as bad as UPS. If you visit Texas, their distribution area is very limited, so it is best to go to Dublin, which is about 80 miles southwest of Fort Worth. Their production is limited, but they always seem to have plenty at the bottling plant. I met a lady there who drives every six weeks from Bossier City, Louisiana with her poodle to stock up. I have also heard stories that the Baylor University mascot bear is addicted to the stuff and downs a sixpack during every game. I hope they have a vet school at Baylor.

And remember, this treat does have refined sugar in it, so enjoy with moderation.


Edited by - JerryCarr on 01/02/2007 13:58:25
HFCS is not the only sweetener we should be concerned about. All the artifical sweeteners such as sucralose and aspertame can cause numerous, serious medical issues. My 20 YO daughter recently began exhibiting several signs of MS. After many agonizing months, numerous medical tests, and several thousands of dollars, all artifical sweeteners were removed from her diet. Within 2 weeks she was feeling better. Within 2 months she was almost fully recovered.

With that said, I don't believe Legislation is the answer. Education is. Legislation decreases your freedom, Education increases you freedom.

To all, a Happy, Healthy New Year.
Carrie W

Isn't the point of the legislation in New York simply to protect people? Until this legislation people's right to know and right to choose NOT to eat trans fat was compromised--one could not know what was in the food one was eating since restaurant food doesn't come with nutrition labels.

It is not just an issue of personal freedom and choice, though; all of us pay for increased health care costs.

Trans fat used in food only benefits corporations. It is essentially a frankenfood created to increase profits for the few at the expense of the many.


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