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Hawaiian’s First 787!
I've nothing further to add other than by responding it'll annoy the main three misogynist conspiracy theorists.
I perfectly understand!

Besides, do we really know if Hawaiian Airlines got two brand new 787's???

Do we?????

LMAO ^ they quarreling.

Just like any airline, Gotta trim fat to fit in what space allowed. As long as the point gets to fly. All good. Click me onto my favorite saddle all day kine.
(04-20-2024, 08:54 AM)elepaio pid= Wrote:LMAO ^ they quarreling.

You are, without a doubt, the most delusional person I've ever met online.
elepaio pid=' dateline=\'1713603262' Wrote:LMAO ^ they quarreling.

Just like any airline,  Gotta trim fat to fit in what space allowed. As long as the point gets to fly. All good. Click me onto my favorite saddle all day kine.

Since you confuse agreement with quarreling, I think it might be beneficial to point out to you that the "horn" of a saddle SHOULD point towards the horse's head! (Thats the other end from where his tail is!)
"In your desired third world, if even allowed to fly on an airplane, you'll get a bike seat and a strap to hold on to."...HJ.

"Since you confuse agreement with quarreling, I think it might be beneficial to point out to you that the "horn" of a saddle SHOULD point towards the horse's head! (Thats the other end from where his tail is!)" HJ

I guess you learned that from experience. I have never mounted a horse hun.

In cycling we call a " bike seat " a saddle. Use the google.

And folks .. Whatever you do, if you just getting started again, don't think those fat ,wide saddles are good. They cut off your circulation in the most tender areas ( actually TOO much foam ) and make your cycling experience not so fun. Search * Bike Fitting " and see the reality. So many choices and info available.

There are a number of folks commuting every day on 11 / 130. Check "'em out.

Beep Beep after you pass ..

(04-20-2024, 09:31 AM)elepaio pid= Wrote:"In your desired third world, if even allowed to fly on an airplane, you'll get a bike seat and a strap to hold on to."...HJ.

"Since you confuse agreement with quarreling, I think it might be beneficial to point out to you that the "horn" of a saddle SHOULD point towards the horse's head! (Thats the other end from where his tail is!)"  HJ

I guess you learned that from experience. I have never mounted a horse hun.

In cycling we call a " bike seat " a saddle. Use the google.

And folks .. Whatever you do, if you just getting started again, don't think those fat ,wide saddles are good.  They cut off your circulation in the most tender areas ( actually TOO much foam ) and make your cycling experience not so fun.  Search  * Bike Fitting " and see the reality. So many choices and info available.

There are a number of folks commuting every day on 11 / 130.  Check "'em out.

Beep Beep after you pass ..


Well, that's good for you! Especially after eating all those "potatoe" chips!

And all things considered, I guess it's best for all of the horses on this island too!
"beepbeep" was Pam's username here and on various other sites. You can see what a disturbed and deluded individual 'elepaio is given his history of making things up about my relationship with Pam, her passing, and his inherent need for cruelty. He is despicable and I suspect has never been in a loving relationship for any extended time. Why Rob let him back on the site after banning him is beyond me.
Agreed. 110%.
Cry me a river. Try Google "Beep Beep" ... and see nursery rhymes and stories rap, SNL, even this fun one about a rambler car.

We say Beep Beep when riding in a paceline. We say it when passing another, we say it when car... it's common language

I myself ( like how many reading this ? ) have used and equated it to a car horn our entire lives and prolly learned it from our parents.

You can't use the victim card here Tom.

Hawaiian motorists are very cordial in that they Beep Beep to let us know they there . Its cool + Get wide berth.

New cars so quiet sometimes not even know they there.

If just wanna say hi, mo' betta Beep Beep a rider after you pass. Same as yoi would a moto pal or other cager.

Got another term we should all use ?

Honk honk isn't polite.

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