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MK controversy thread
I'm considering renaming the thread. "Mauna Kea Gossip Column" comes to mind. Any thoughts?
(06-16-2024, 07:13 AM)HiloJulie Wrote:
(06-15-2024, 11:12 PM)Wao nahele wahine Wrote: And you have insulted men on threads on PW.  Why are you so focused on their penis size?  My calling you a misandrist makes as much sense as you calling anyone on here a misogynist.  That's why I said it.  Trying to get you to see the absurdity of your claim.  Only editing this in now because I just saw this part of your post.

You sure do love beating and beating and beating this dead horse now, don't you? Even after you said you were done. Even after you said Peace.

Ironic that you now come in 7 hours after you made a post and edit it claiming that you just now saw a part of my post, which, proves that you are not interested in debating a topic, you just see a post from me and as quickly as you can got to rattle off some quoted portion of what I said, taking most of it out of context, instead of reading the ENTIRE post FIRST and formulating a response that can be responded by me once. I understand why various posters do that, but that's a whole different debate.

Furthermore, can you even come close to comprehending the concept of agreeing to disagree?

Thats where you have your opinion, and I have mine. You disagree with mine and I disagree with yours. Ever since YOU started this completely immature battle you seemingly think you need to win at any cost; you have asked me to agree to disagree, which I did and yet keep beating your drum over and over and over that it's not misogyny, its name calling. I disagree. I am not changing my opinion to meet yours as you clearly desire to see me do. I agreed to disagree a long time ago, yet you continue and continue and continue with your blather.

As I stated before, I have, as you say it, "insulted" any man on this thread soley because they used misogyny and misogynist terms about me. I explained why misogynists do that, and yes, it involves penis size. You should study the medical information that abounds on the topic of misogyny.  

The one who needs to see absurdity, is you. You are so full of it; I can smell it here on Waikiki Beach.

In closing, regardless of any response you make, or further edited posts, I will not respond.

Encore Julie OUT!

Nothing ironic about my editing a post and stating why I did it.  You have insulted men on PW.  I don't care if you are unable to agree with my definition of misogyny.  I have as much right to post my opinion about as you do.  When you start beating the dead horse posting multiple times in a thread the names you have been called...that is absurd.  One post with your list was enough.  You just got upset because you didn't get the attention you wanted from it.  Talk about immaturity. 

I took nothing out of context.

We will see if you have enough self control not to respond.  You have stated before that you won't respond to certain posters anymore, and you have broken your word.

(06-16-2024, 09:19 AM)TomK Wrote:
(06-15-2024, 09:53 PM)kalianna Wrote: ... sigh... Iʻm trying to ignore her but the quotes still show up.  I guess not even a trip to Honolulu deters her from her 1.9 posts a day.  But just have to agree with you Ms. Wahine.  I havenʻt seen anything misogynistic in any of My Mana'oʻs posts.  It was that "pet" comment that she misinterpreted that started the whole thing.

Let's break this down. MyManoa claimed I picked up a new pet. The pet was HiloJulie. Despite the fact that HiloJulie and I have never met, he referred to her as a "pet". That's not a nice thing to say about a woman if you are a man; it essentially says that he considers the woman a pet in a male-female relationship. I think that's an outdated and misogynist view of women. He did the same with Pam. Rather than seeing a woman as an equal partner in a relationship, even if it's a relationship in his mind only, he sees the woman as a pet.

BTW, what does the number of posts per day or where someone went have to do with anything?

Tom, are you unable to address my requests of you?  Your comments regarding Pam are things you are making up if you can't provide the proof.  I am holding you to the same requirements you expect of others.

Lead by example
 I am holding you to the same requirements you expect of others.

You may wish to consider, is this really an apples to apples comparison?  Tom, in general, asks for scientific research, or information published by reputable sources.  You are asking Tom to read through conversations and interactions with and from a loved one that he lost.  You’re asking him to re-experience and then repeat some of the worst comments and related attacks made about someone he cared for deeply.  Pam was a ray of light on this forum, she always brought something positive to the conversation.  Which is more than can be said of the offender we’re discussing.

I’d say in this case we might simply consider the source (of the negative comments).  And his multiple personalities.
(06-16-2024, 05:07 PM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote:  I am holding you to the same requirements you expect of others.

You may wish to consider, is this really an apples to apples comparison?  Tom, in general, asks for scientific research, or information published by reputable sources.  You are asking Tom to read through conversations and interactions with and from a loved one that he lost.  You’re asking him to re-experience and then repeat some of the worst comments and related attacks made about someone he cared for deeply.  Pam was a ray of light on this forum, she always brought something positive to the conversation.  Which is more than can be said of the offender we’re discussing.

I’d say in this case we might simply consider the source.  And his multiple personalities.

Sorry HOTPE,

TomK brought it up and even when others stated that they recalled reading certain posts, TomK wanted the evidence. I agree whole heartedly with your comments about Pam.

Lead by example
TomK: "'I'm considering renaming the thread. "Mauna Kea Gossip Column" comes to mind. Any thoughts?"

Yes, please.

Hijacking the stated subject of a thread is both petty and rude.
(06-16-2024, 11:40 AM)TomK Wrote: I'm considering renaming the thread. "Mauna Kea Gossip Column" comes to mind. Any thoughts?


How about:

"Misogyny, and those who support it?"
(06-16-2024, 05:07 PM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: Tom, in general, asks for scientific research, or information published by reputable sources. 

I wouldn't go as far as that, I simply ask for evidence. And yes, I'm not going through "dakine's" old posts; at least those he didn't delete before reappearing under a new sock. It's all documented here on PW, including screenshots of dakine's posts. I don't think I have a duty to do it again, and as HOTPE says, Pam was a long-time and very special partner, and I'd rather not rehash this. It's all on PW if you want to gossip about it.

(06-16-2024, 05:41 PM)Punaperson Wrote: TomK: "'I'm considering renaming the thread. "Mauna Kea Gossip Column" comes to mind. Any thoughts?"

Yes, please.

Hijacking the stated subject of a thread is both petty and rude.

I'll change it back if and when needed. Thanks for your input. HiloJulie, I don't think that's an appropriate name for a thread.

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