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The PunaWeb Bar and Grill
When your views align
Words flow free like Russian spring
If no can, no can


Two types of people go to The Punaweb Bar and Grill.  Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data sets.
I wish you all the best.
During Hurrican Hone, a group of Hawaii teachers stuck in Pahoa due to the flooding roads stop into the PunaWeb Bar and Grill.

The wait staff member asks them for their order, and they say, "We will gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today!"
(08-29-2024, 06:50 AM)HiloJulie Wrote: During Hurrican Hone, a group of Hawaii teachers stuck in Pahoa due to the flooding roads stop into the PunaWeb Bar and Grill.

The wait staff member asks them for their order, and they say, "We will gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today!"

I wish you all the best.
Punatang - words flow like Russian spring ... Two types of people go to The Punaweb Bar and Grill..

Da comrade, in Soviet Russia they say fifty-percent of the patrons of Punaweb Bar and Grill are dumb. "Rubbish", you say, "half of the patrons are smart!"

How do you tell the difference? Half of them walk into this bar, the other half ducks.

Then there was that guy who walked into Punaweb Bar and Grill and went to the bathroom. He came out and went to the bartender.
He say, "You’ve got a great place, but my buddy was here last night and said you have golden urinals. Where are they?"
The bartender say, "Sorry, no urinals, they were held up by the county building inspector." But then the bartender turned to the band and yell "Hey Kimo, I’ve got a lead on the moke who ruined your sax!"

(oh snorkle, where are you when we need you most? :)
My short addition for after the funny jokes and comments:

Lead by example
The Punaweb Bar and Grill is taking applications for the position of Bouncer Security Supervisor.
I wish you all the best.
(08-30-2024, 06:08 PM)Punatang Wrote: The Punaweb Bar and Grill is taking applications for the position of Bouncer Security Supervisor.

As my staunch union Boiler Maker grand father, father and brother used to joke:

When is payday, when does the overtime start and where is the crapper?
I was actually wondering if it's union rules preventing Punaweb employees from crossing over to PWB&G duties.  That or maybe Rob needs to bump the comp. up to say 3 or 4 alohas per post.
I wish you all the best.
applications for the position of Bouncer Security Supervisor.

I’m new at this job, so for now am working on a less is more basis.  
But HAWAIIFEL might take this opportunity to consider what’s in his best interest, long term.
This is no joke. I pulled a couple of strings. Okay, I pulled ALL of them, and, mostly because I have a friend in the ensemble, I was able to book this amazing orchestra for Friday night:

Not just a one hit wonder!

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