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Yeah I have only seen two last December while I was there. And the December before I learned every single night how annoying they are.
So many problems about them although my first and foremost concern is security. Above all considerations regarding Coqui's night long chirp is the inability to hear anything else that crawls in the night, People, the creeps, thugs, robbers, burglars, thieves, muggers, rapists, to name just a few. The Hawaiian Coqui is a house invading rapists dream come true.. To be factually blunt. Our best night time house guard, the dog, is silent threw out the night for lack of hearing strange noises.
I encountered two, both in their respective positions, One at day under leaves and one at night in foliage. Both positions difficult to locate, except the night surprisingly, possibly more, Because, zeroing in on that chirp is difficult.
But there's what I believe is the solution to locating them. The sound is apparently unique to the extent that a female can zero into it while it confuses us. You can stand within a foot and not be able to zero into where it is setting. Considering though, that the female can, obviously there's a frequency the male exudes that the Female hears or feels which enables her to jump for the opportunity.
Whether a zapper, or any other device designed to eliminate this pest, discovering the unique frequency and emitting it precisely in a manor that will draw her, might be the most complicated work yet to come.
However, perhaps when you, others, realize the importance and how our home security is in serious danger, finding solutions to stomp out "The Hawaiian Coqui" should be extremely high on the States agenda.
I just hope there's no night prowlers who read this forum whom I've tipped off.
As a kid I prowled around late in the night and at this age you are ignorant to believing that nobody could hear or see you. However, it was not until a Prowler rapist got caught one night in the neighborhood I lived in, in my early thirties, where I realized just how many homes could be, were invaded by this creep and several others could too. .
I encountered him four days before a few blocks from my house, while visiting a neighbor who asked whether I knew or recognized this fellow that had been sitting in his car she’d seen more than once. I approached him and demanded his identification, argued with him until he sped off.
Four days late,r I woke late in the night, 3am and 8 houses down from me was a police dispatch. A Prowling rapist had been caught, for one reason only.. This girls neighbor heard a sound and discovered, that girls side entrance garage door opened. While not certain as to why she’d awoke she called the police ‘just incase’.
To make a long story short, or try to ha, ha this 50-year-old man had parked where I encountered him before, and while jumping a fence to get to my street cut his ankle. The cut was why the police caught him because; there was a trail of small blood drips up this girl’s driveway around to the side entrance leading to that door.
However, what the police did not investigate was what I learned the next morning. Not that they needed to know more because, they caught him. But, his blood trail, small continuous drips, was on the sidewalk and lead me from the very point where he cut himself, up into every driveway, front yard, front door, front window, side windows around the back yard and almost every single position you would otherwise expect any body would not dare enter. Not one single house was an exception; every one had the trail of blood. Threw back yard gates, up to windows, around homes, across the street and back, leading in and out of 20+ homes. .
It was clear, although he spent some time prowling, there was not a target house. I can only imagine what and where he’d been before knowing of him four days prior and this lady having said that car had been parked there at other times. If you can imagine as I do, knowing the time he was around this man most likely prowled threw an entire subdivision and not one report had been made!
The only thing that saved this girls life was a small sound. The sound the Hawaiian Coqui’s chirp,,, nullifies, quells, suppress, smothers threw out the night.
Our home security, our daughters, children, wives, our persons, possessions are at far more risk than anybody I’ve seen or heard comment to date, and it needs to be addressed.
Zapper, Zipper, whatever, I am all for the extinction of The Hawaiian Coqui!
Why do I say: “The Hawaiian Coqui”? Because in its own natural setting it is a completely different creature. Whereas in Hawaii, it has become unique for not having any natural predators, it’s a breed of its own. .
Edited by - Jeffhale on 02/06/2007 11:02:35