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**This Post is about HPP and HPPOA Dysfunction** (renamed to spare the uninterested)
All the 20-acre parcels in HPP are designated "agricultural" by the State Land Use Commission, and zoned Open by the County. They are, however, taxed at the Ag rate.

Deed restrictions are just another layer on top.

Commercial zoning can only happen where the State LUC has designated the lands as "Urban".

I learned all of this while trying to determine exactly how the 2008 PCDP was having no effect on development. One of the reasons that the PCDP only stipulates commercial areas "as-is, where-is" is that County has no authority to enact Commercial zoning unless the State has already designated the lands as Urban. All the existing Commercial areas are already Urban. County can petition State LUC to redraw the boundaries to create more Urban lands which are then eligible for Commercial zoning, but this rarely happens unless it's desired by "a major landowner", such as when Shipman wanted to build out Keaau.

There is a similar problem with Industrial zoning: most Industrial lands are State-owned and only available for lease. A side effect of State control is that businesses can be approved without County involvement. Notable exception: the Shipman Business Park. Anyone see a recurring theme here?

Banyan Drive is similarly controlled by the State, thus limiting County's economic self-determination.

It's also worth noting that Honolulu is the only City in the State, and there is no provision to incorporate any new City or Town or Village. Everything is basically County, operating with one hand tied behind its back by the State, because Hawaii is still just one big plantation.
Here are the only facts that matter.

You have been posting the same crap for a year now and it's all repetitive.

You have been banned from nearly every Facebook group that has to do with HPP because of your constant repetitive postings.

It's in the hands of the court system and now that the January trial has been stricken from the docket, it will probably be 2026 before there is a trial.

The majority of Punaweb members don't live in HPP .
Aloha Mr. O,

Your statements are untrue. I was not banned from every FB group having to do with HPP. I was banned from one- but that is because the "assistant moderator" has personal issues- nothing to do with the info/facts I was posting. And, after fighting with some (which I do not like or enjoy) I abandoned my FB account and closed my social media pages. Again, not banned.

However, seeing how HPP owners are not being informed and especially after witnessing how some on the board twist the truth, side-step the truth, or just flat out lie, I felt it was/is important that HPP owners are informed with the facts- not just what HPPOA wants them to know (or not know). So I am back in a limited capacity. And I pretty much stick to my own page, even though I have been invited to join others.

The matter is now "in the hands of the court system." Very true. And all the more reason HPP owners should be kept informed of what is going on. It is now all the more important HPP Owners should see and understand how and why, and how much of, their money is being spent. Especially, as all of this mess could have been avoided and wasn't because some board members felt they could adopt law that does not apply to HPPOA, "interpret" bylaw to mean what they want it to mean, and blatantly ignore deed restrictions

I have titled this post as having to do with HPP. I have prefaced this post to advise those who are not interested in HPP or HPPOA politics so that they may skip the posting and comments and do not have to wade through, or be bothered.

I do not know the majority of Punaweb members. Do you? But if those who are not HPP Owners do not wish to read the info I post they are free not to- as are you.

Aloha Kalakoa,

Thank you for your comment. Very interesting info. I will have to look into it. I always appreciate any opportunity to learn more. Wink
Time for a new name. Here are a few ideas. 

Habitual Plaintiffs' Park

History Problematic Park

High Prices Park 

Hindered Postal Park

Hijacking Punaweb Park

Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty we are free at last. - MLK
Aloha Punatang,

I have not pressured anyone to read/comments on this post and I have not posted any new posts since this one (October 27th)

How about High Pressure Proscription
Because that is what some of you are aiming for, isn't it? To make this post and any HPP post that addresses HPPOA dysfunction "illegal" or "prohibited?"

Same, old tactics, attack, ridicule, discredit, and if none of that works? Then censor.
(10-26-2024, 07:05 PM)"HiloJulie Wrote: Question:

In the history of HPP, HPPOA and its predecessor, has ANY BOD member been elected with more than 500 votes? 250 votes? 100 votes?"

The answer is yes, more than 150 votes for a few candidates in 2018.
(11-01-2024, 11:52 PM)Patricia Wrote: I have not pressured anyone..

Maybe listening to other's is as important as is not pressuring them.
Well now she has her partner mermaid53 here, they are both members of the Krazy Karen Klick.
At HPPOA's annual October Membership meetings, the order of business per the bylaws is that the Nominating Committee is supposed to be formed to handle the owners' annual board elections. Since approx 2019, it has become an occasional board playbook to run the clock out, bc ppl leave = no quroum, so the NC can't be formed. Since it is the order of business at that meeting, one would think the board would put that agenda item in the upper half of the agenda to ensure this business was accomplished. Well, here it happened again. The board is aware that trying to amend bylaws at a membership meeting is a very time consuming. They put the NC formation AFTER this. By the time someone asked for a quorum count, quorum was gone, the meeting had to be adjourned and the president announced that the NC hadn't been formed and that an Adhoc NC would be formed and said something to the effect that at the Feb 2025 membership meeting, the membership could vote for the NC. It rolled off her tongue as if she prepared in case that happened. The NC is supposed to meet in Nov and start working on their duties. Over the recent years, we have had serious issues with the BOD involving themselves in the elections, beyond just approving the allocation of monies for the costs of ballots, and hiring a ballot counting firm. At a recent election, the NC was totally left out of the loop of viewing the applications as is part of their duties. The president and the NC chair were the only ones who got to see them, and the president was a candidate. There have been efforts to bully watchdog lot owners and/or remove them from this committee bc they want to make sure the bylaws are followed and to ensure there is integrity in the elections. Asking questions is not welcomed. HPPOA has had election problems and hopefully people will start to pay attention. The VP's term ends in Jun 2025. The president's term doesn't end until Jun 2026. Both of these directors can run again for 3 yr terms.
Aloha Mr. O,

You feel this post is "blah." So, why don't you just leave it and those who are interested alone? Stop being unpleasant and trying to antagonize people. There are plenty of other posts on Punaweb which, if you put your mind to it, you could actually contribute something of interest. Wink

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