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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs
the road fees are not due until the last day of March. And that if HPP Owners wanted to wait until the last day of March, that should not be a problem for HPPOA, seeing as their new fiscal year does not begin until July.
Zero bearing on anything even if 1000 paid them late, in July or August.
This thread should be renamed to: 
"How to properly feed and care for a troll"
When Patricia 1st posted this idea on one of her Facebook groups, she was basically shouting " Let's stick it to HPPOA. "
She has changed her message because she was preaching to her fervent followers.
Those Facebook Groups all got deleted when she got a registered letter from HPPOA'S attorney telling her not to close any of her social media accounts because they could be used in the ongoing court case.
Of course Patricia is smarter than all of the attorneys in the world and said they can't make me do that.
She has posted a link to her current webpage but she has cleaned it up and deleted all of the nasty stuff.

Try to stay calm, HiloJulie. PW is just a chat forum. It isn't life or death.

The fiscal year "matters" as in, it really doesn't to HPPOA. As Leilanidude said, 1,000 owners could wait until March 31st to pay, 4,000 or more could wait. And the thing is, it should not have any affect on HPPOA, because their fiscal year does not begin until July 1st.

However, it does make a difference to HPP Owners, who get their bills in January, see the road fees need to be paid, and might not realize that it's really okay for them to wait until the end of March to pay them. Especially as paying the road fees (currently $435) is tough for some, after the holidays.

Still... Now that I think about it.  

From April to July, there is probably a bit of interest that HPPOA will make. Especially using a $3,600,000, figure, which is probably, in reality, less than what HPPOA actually receives in road fees every year.

So... If a lot of HPPOA owners wait until the end of March to pay, HPPOA will lose out in additional interest for those 2 months- money makes money. And perhaps that does matter to HPPOA.
Pretty sure a non-profit can't divert money from accounts receivable to an interest bearing account.
Those Facebook Groups all got deleted when she got a registered letter from HPPOA'S attorney telling her not to close any of her social media accounts because they could be used in the ongoing court case.

Obie, Obie, Obie, your statement is so false.

I did receive a letter from Barron Oda, by email. His "registered letter" was apparently lost, and I did answer the email.

There was nothing said, in Barron Oda's email about "nasty." It was a "request" to preserve evidence. I say it was a request as I was never SERVED with anything.

Here is my partial answer. I addressed his entire, long letter. But it is long, so will just post the following:

To Mr. Oda and board members, if there is anything else you would care to present about me, to the Court, please be advised that I am more than willing to help you. In fact, I am more than willing to tell the Court what I know, everything I know (emphasis added) where I received my information/documentation from, and just how much of that documentation and information I have shared with you. The Court may also be interested in the responses from some of you, that my sharing generated.

Will I reconsider posting about HPPOA dysfunction to social media platforms? No. Even though some of the board backers have tried to have me voted off committees, because I refused to agree to not post about HPPOA matters and meetings (talk about “chilling”).

Submitting my name and screenshot posts to the Court will not deter me either. In fact, Mr. Oda and board? Please feel free to take a screenshot of this post and share it with the Court.

Not too long after all of that, I did take down my FB pages, where I had posted a lot of documentation that apparently HPPOA does not have (probably because HPPOA boards have shredded it). I took down my FB pages, because I was tired of the velocirapotors circling AND, quite frankly, I did not want HPPOA to have easy access to my research (not my fault if HPPOA destroys their own docs). 

I also took down my website, for the same reasons as above. In addition, I have to pay for the website. I did not remove "nasty" info. Unless you feel allowing people to read court docs is "nasty." And if you look, those have not been removed. The website is pretty much the same as it was. Except, now I tell HPP Owners that they are not required to be HPPOA members- something HPPOA is supposed to do but does not.
"Try to stay calm, HiloJulie. PW is just a chat forum. It isn't life or death."

Julie is as calm as a cucumber. It does get frustrating when asking a person who begs to be asked a question and then when asked a question, refuses, obfuscates, confuses, dances, denies, skirts and in every fashion simply does not answer the question.

"However, it does make a difference to HPP Owners, who get their bills in January, see the road fees need to be paid, and might not realize that it's really okay for them to wait until the end of March to pay them. Especially as paying the road fees (currently $435) is tough for some, after the holidays."

I am assuming, but doesn't the statement or invoice for the road fees clearly indicate when it is due? Or is this a top-secret nefarious act of an illegal BOD and only you know the real due date?

"From April to July, there is probably a bit of interest that HPPOA will make. Especially using a $3,600,000, figure, which is probably, in reality, less than what HPPOA actually receives in road fees every year"

Outside of this being a good business decision, the amount of interest that would be earned is negligible to the overall operations of HPPOA. What a really good question to know the answer to, is what is the overall "Day Sales Outstanding" number. In other words, how many days from the date of the invoice sent to each resident for road fees until the date the cash is received, expressed in total number of days is. Also, of the total amount invoiced, how much is paid BEFORE or on the due date and then how much is paid AFTER the due date and then how long after the due date.

"So... If a lot of HPPOA owners wait until the end of March to pay, HPPOA will lose out in additional interest for those 2 months- money makes money. And perhaps that does matter to HPPOA."

While your point of the interest earning potential from April 1 to June 30 has some, albeit miniscule merit, the amount of interest that could be earned from the date the invoices for road fees went out until March 31 is even more minuscule, as I can't image a significant amount of HPP residents paying their road fees much sooner than March 15th at the earliest. Of those who do, well, then, they should be OK with any possible interest HPPOA could earn anyway.

And in the end, I trust the HPP residents to do what's right - with their pocketbook and their relationship with HPPOA.
"You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
-Daniel Patrick Moynihan
(Except for some on PunaWeb, where YOUR opinion is FACT!)
(01-31-2025, 07:23 PM)Obie Wrote: Pretty sure a non-profit can't divert money from accounts receivable to an interest bearing account.

HPPOA has several bank accounts with B of H

"...and their relationship with HPPOA."

As far as I know (because you have stated) you have no relationship with HPP or HPPOA. So, of what interest is HPPOA business or HPP owners and their "relationship" with that business to you? Why are you so "into it?" You do not have any skin in the HPPOA "relationship game."

There are other topics, on this thread, that can be discussed, which would more aptly pertain to you- such as roads in Hawaiian Acres. Or do you have a more "nefarious" reason for ignoring the issues in your own substandard subdivision?
(01-31-2025, 07:42 PM)Patricia Wrote: As far as I know (because you have stated) you have no relationship with HPP or HPPOA. So, of what interest is HPPOA business or HPP owners and their "relationship" with that business to you? Why are you so "into it?" You do not have any skin in the HPPOA "relationship game."

There are other topics, on this thread, that can be discussed, which would more aptly pertain to you- such as roads in Hawaiian Acres. Or do you have a more "nefarious" reason for ignoring the issues in your own substandard subdivision?

I'm just going to sit back and relish the complete hypocrisy, the total lack of self-awareness coupled with pure unadulterated narcissism that your statement is.
"You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
-Daniel Patrick Moynihan
(Except for some on PunaWeb, where YOUR opinion is FACT!)
I'm just going to sit back...

Thank you, HiloJulie. Much appreciated.

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