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My experience in conversations with Locals is that many Locals don't like Mexicans. When traveling to California, many are mistaken for Mexicans and don't like it.
I know what you mean. I have had a lot of people start speaking to me in Spanish in Cali, and Texas, but that is no excuse to hate them is it?
If Hawaiians here on the Big Island need a race of people to 'beef' with? They should do like the Hawaiians on Oahu, and give cracks to each and any Micronesian they see. On Oahu "B & E's" has grown because of them, so has rape cases and TB is up tenfold over there because of them. Violent crimes against tourist are often comitted by Micronesians on Oahu, but Hawaiians catch the blame because the tourist can't tell the difference. I can see the heat in Hilo picking up too!
I find your generalization of any race disgusting.
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
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I am Mex Amer and have dark skin. We have been
traveling to the islands for about twenty years. We have condos in Waianae and Makaha(Oahu) Where there is a large Hawaiian
population. People assume that I am Hawaiian.
Locals included. I tell them I'm Mex Amer and
it has never been an issue. In fact on more than one instance I have been told by locals
that Mex and Hawaiians have both been blessed by the sun. The color of my skin has been an
asset here. I hate that it is so much of a deal for some. I feel we should look at the person, not the race or color.
Richard AKA Wyatt
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This thread brings the title to a song to mind: "No Hawaiians, no Aloha." (Sean somebody?)
There are those who claim the mantle of Hawaiians who are not, in fact, sons and daughers of Aloha. Aloha is within us all. We must call on our better natures, all of us.
I accept the fact that what I come for will be somewhat diminished by my coming as it has been diminished before. I will try to offset that by my love of the aina. This was a Garden of Eden. If there was an actual Garden of Eden and I do not believe there was, it was here, and not somewhere in the Middle East.
It's not purity of race, but an abundance of aloha that makes the island. I racially profile all that do not give (and know how to receive) aloha. To those people, and those people alone, I give stinkeye.
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Baseless prejudice is terrible. Being blind to facts and lacking an ability to learn from experience in an effort to preserve political correctness is unwise and potentially dangerous. Being unable to look past learned, valid prejudice is both unwise and unkind.
Some ethnic groups do suffer a disproportionate share of unhealthy (to them and society at large) traits. These traits are caused by too many reasons to list. Cultural history, unemployment and substance abuse are three. Micronesians, particuarily Chuukese are currently one of these groups. Their issues are brought on by the three previously listed causes. I believe a fourth cause is our previous relationship with the FSM which caused an unnatural dependance on us as well as an unrealistic expectation of material goods and wealth. This was just following WWII and I don't think our actions had ill intent to them. They have very few natural resourses which limits their options. My experience in Chuuk is that when they come to the U.S. some of them will disproportionately bring some undesirable traits. My observations in the Chuuk state capital is that they have little civic responsibility in regards to litter. The impression I got there was of taking all of the garbage from all of NYCs landfills and airlifting it to their capital and doing an air drop on what had to have been one of the most gorgeous places on earth.
I did find that many Chuukese have what I will term, true aloha spirit, but many, many others have serious issues. I have no ill will towards them and wish them the best, but also knowing that a continues large influx of them will bring a disproportionate share of problems.
S. FL Islander to be
Big Islander to be.
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....large influx of them will bring a disproportionate share of problems. will a large influx of any group, oink.
Just to keep things in perspective here, I happen to be a little of this, and little of that. And believe me, all my fellow this-n-thats (whose ancestors can be traced to the U.S. mainland, Europe, and beyond) and I are farrrrrrr more likely to trash the neighborhood, rip the land to shreads, break into folks' homes, milk the welfare system, murder people on the highways while driving drunk, import and/or cook up massive quantities of drugs, and twist the laws and public perception in our favor than the Chuukese ever will.
By the way. Don't you ever even think about calling me politically correct, Buster! I'm easily as much of a bigot as anyone out there.
It's just that I tend to take my wrath out on the just-plain-mean.
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If we are competing as to who is more politicly incorrect, don't leave me out!
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I'm Mexican and just plain offended (tongue in cheek!) if anyone says "really? I thought you were Italian!"...
Catherine Dumond
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It is now politically correct (meaning it gives one a smug sense of superiority and a feeling that you are part of an important elite) to say that you are politically incorrect.
It has been thus for several years now. See you all at Luquin's, where we will demand that the waitresses all take a bath, and provide good service now.
Okay now THAT was politically incorrect.
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OK, what if I saythat I am politicly UNcorrect?
"No matter how good you are at something, there's always about a million people better than you."-Homer (Simpson)
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins
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YOKWE - Enough already - The attitudes displayed leave much to be desired. Although the Marshall Islands are not, technically, part of the "Federated States of Micronesia" they easily could have been. As many of you know Carol and I have lived there for quite a time now and Carol is still living and working there as I build our home. I wish I could have some of my Micronesian friends helping me with the house. They are wonderful people and I hate to see them maligned on this forum. Please check your attitudes.
Edited by - kaptkimo on 02/18/2007 19:50:27