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Is It True?Property prices to drop in a year or 2
Jerry, I guess your right. I haven't been down many back roads recently. Everyone I know pretty much live close by to the main roads or paved roads.
That is a very good idea to be taking License plate number and turning them in. Linda Lingle started that here for the Quarry Road. She was offering rewards to anyone with info. Also Bussiness with dumpsters started going through rubbish bags and have been doing the same as you looking for addresses. I think it's great.
Goodt job Jerry.
Aloha, Makalealea
I live in Hilo and have trash pick-up. We pay a private service $15 per month. He picks up our trash every Wednesday. The dump is free, so if you prefer to save the $15 per month, you can drive your trash over and dump it in Hilo or Keaau. Here you have the choice and it's cheap. On the mainland in many towns, they contract with a service that has a captive customer base, so they charge a lot and the dump has fees that are high also.

We also have mail service to our home. We have a post office box for security reasons. Just to be on the safe side, not because we've had any problems.

No mail service, No garbage pickup, and the Coqui capital of the world. No wonder real estate prices are resonable here. That makes this only a great place to live, for the easygoing types.

In puna we dont need no stinking garbage pickup , we dont need no stinking mail delivery, we don need no stinking badges,(they always show up all together after long time later anyway}

Well, up this side of Hilo we don't have rubbish service either, but either direction we drive Hwy 19 we have a transfer point within a few miles. Didn't have garbage service growing up in Maine either, we always went to the dump as a kid.
We also don't have mail delivery in Ninole, but we do have a PO box and a great opportunity to talk story with neighbors if you time it right.
We catch our water off our roof and store in a tank. Growing up, we pumped water out of the ground and stored it a tank - in both cases the toilet flushes and water comes out the faucet. (If I worried about contacts I'd buy a bottle of distilled water).
The sun makes our electricity (sometimes with help from our little Honda), but we are not on Helco's monthly mailing and haven't experienced a power outage due to storm or earthquake.
Our contact with the outside world is dependent on the cellphone gods, but then I remember that before my folks got that 8 party line, we didn't have any phone. We do have wireless broadband for internet and that sure beats the dialup we had in Atlanta, but I use it less.
So I guess life may be tough - even if not in Puna Smile Somehow I'll struggle through because it does get balanced. I have neighbors who smile when we talk, who care about each other. I can look into the night sky and see a brilliance of stars not seen since a boy. I can marvel at the full moon as it reflects off the vast ocean before me. No matter how much it rains tonight or tomorrow, I know the warmth of the sun is only hours away and when dry enough to mow, I am still in awe that God blessed me with the stewardship of this land.
Geez, I just remembered, the people I meet at the transfer points smile and say "Hi". WOW

Life on the BI.... gotta love it.


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
Well said. Great thoughts.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Thanks for that great post David, it sure made the beginning of my day shiny!

Typically Tropical Properties
75-5870 Walua Road, Suite 101
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:


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