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coqui frog solution
Maka, you don't seem to realize it but your first post was an attack. Your reply was just a continuation of it. Perhaps you were offended that someone non-Hawaiian found fault with the area. There are some problems here, just like everywhere else on the planet. Tropicalnut makes some very good points; this isn't for everyone. I'd bet the "turnaround" rate for Puna is higher.

Glen you may do well here, you sound like a geiko or anoli lizard, can change colors to match surroundings.

Aloha, Green. Having met Glen, I can tell you he resembles a teddy bear more than a lizard. (Although having lived in New Orleans in the 80's myself, I can say most of us there passed through a "lounge lizard" phase in our development.) And yes, I am sure he would fit in just about anywhere he might choose to live. Tres formidable.


Yes, Makalealea. You caught me at a bad moment. Sorry. I am in escrow and it is very unpleasant. Getting ready to bail because the house, uh, seems to lack water sufficient to take a shower. Is that a problem? I think you may have convinced me where others have not been able to. I have seen the light....and it is exceedingly grey.


Edited by - glen on 02/27/2007 11:37:48
Glen, The water issue may be something as small as the water filter needs to be changed, to bring pressure back up! Maybe?

At worst a water pump, still not a big deal. Try Mike at Paradise Pools, 808 987-8383.

Rob & Jerry, about the dogs - spot on guys. And not just about the fences. Aquaintanses marvel at my three who sit calmly behind wide open gates, and never leave the place, as others go crazy, run amok, and bark their fool heads off. None of mine has ever known tied. In order to truly love and appreciate dogs, you have to understand what it means to be a member of the pack. One of my waycool neighbors was impressed enough to write a song about them. I feel as sorry for the people who miss this important part of life as I do for the amimals who suffer from it.

Glen,I would like to reccomend two things to you.
First, that you enlist the help of a St. Joseph statuette. It's a proven fact that these guys will help sell a house. Since St. Joseph is the patron saint of real estate (or something like that), he should be able to assist you in purchasing a house as well. Maybe some forum Catholics or realtors can provide more information.

Second, I would suggest you try the new Stone brewery/restaraunt in Escondido. You seem a little uptight lately, and it's our duty to support our local brewpubs.

I also agree with the dog position. I commented once on this forum that there was a lack of well adjusted free-range Island dogs, and was told it's a cultural thing.


"I went on a diet, swore off drinking and heavy eating, and in fourteen days I lost two weeks." –Joe E. Lewis
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins


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