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Board of Education?
Does anyone have insight on the candidates for Board of Education? This may be important to those, like me, who do not have a good idea of who these candidates are and where they stand on issues.

I received my mail in ballot today and the listing for these candidates are:
Paul Bryant
J. William Sanborn
Patrick M. Walsh
Herbert S. Watanabe

#2 He did work with Laupahoehoe schools and they have been fairly successful but then again didnt meet the No Child Left behind goals this year.

Herbert Watanabe is a 12-year incumbent.

Patrick Walsh on drug testing

J William Saborn was on the West Hawaii Council of Advisors in 2006.

This was just a search on there names.
Thanks Cat for the link. I know Pat and considered him a good choice for school board. His strong position on drug testing has me wondering though.

I'm for a drug free workplace also, but there's a problem with testing teachers; If a teacher is a cronic drunk, or uses cocaine or Meth on the weekend they will pass "clean" urine after a day or so. If a teacher smokes a joint, or is around someoneone that does at a Christmas party, their urine will be dirty for several months, even if the teacher is straight. This policy is flawed, and I have to wonder why the teachers caved in to it.

Instead of random testing, there should be tests only if performance, other behaviors indicate it's neccessery.

Thanks so much. This is the type of information I was looking for.
My biggest concern about the drug testing policy is the way the teachers' union has handled the issue, and not the merits of testing vs. not testing. The union leaders negotiated a contract that contained a raise and drug testing. They recommended, with some reservations by some leaders, that the teachers approve the contract. It was approved by over 60% of the teachers in a fair election. Now that it is time to implement the testing, the same union leadership is saying that testing is "unconstitutional" despite the fact that the courts have consistently ruled that it is legal. Of course, none of the union leaders are suggesting giving the raise back.


This is why I take a long and jaundiced look at any politician running with the endorsement of public employees unions in Hawaii. (Billy Kenoi supporters, take note.) Mr. Walsh has my support for at least taking a stand on the issue. Mr. Watanabe appears to be a nice and honest man, but he hasn't managed to change anything in twelve years.

FWIW, I don't necessarily think drug testing is the answer to a problem. The real problem here is negotiating in utterly bad faith.

My only problem with Walsh...

Is that he writes for a certain paper that I think is a piece of Republican BS propaganda smear written paper.

Walsh's recent article mentions:

...High school could offer crime forensics, composite-plastic fuselage design, robotics, nanotechnology, radiological diagnostics, 3-D animation and modern building maintenance...

Seems like he's a bit out of touch with our local kids. Let's leave these programs for colleges and concentrate on getting our kids to pass the dang SAT tests, A/C in the classrooms, books for the Kids, and toilet paper for their Okoles. And why were at it... Make libraries a bit more of a priority.

If I were Walsh... I would disassociate myself with that worthless trash of a paper.

Getting advanced programs into the schools will raise up the scholastic standard for the whole school. It will develop student pride in their schools and in education and help motivate them to excel. I'm not advocating for Walsh as I don't know poop about him, but your attitude sounded defeatist. Help the slow students but help them all to develop a passion for education and reach for the stars.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Originally posted by oink

... but your attitude sounded defeatist....

Call it a realist.

I know you're not here in Hawaii, but I would like to bring your attention to why I mentioned getting the SAT scores up.

It was just in today's paper... I should have linked the article.

Here it is for you.

Well that... and I just can't stand what the HawaiiFreePress stands for. I call it the kitty litter/national enquirer of the Big Island.

Being raised the son of an educator, I do take an interest in the status of education locally and in Hawaii. I'm aware of the reputation and ranking of Hawaii's elementary and secondary schools. I strongly stand by my previous statement:
Getting advanced programs into the schools will raise up the scholastic standard for the whole school. It will develop student pride in their schools and in education and help motivate them to excel.
Originally posted by Damon
Well that... and I just can't stand what the HawaiiFreePress stands for. I call it the kitty litter/national enquirer of the Big Island.

You were attacking the message because you didn't like the messenger???

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Originally posted by oink
You were attacking the message because you didn't like the messenger???

Um... interesting... but YES.

He could choose to write a blog, post on message boards, write letters to the editor, etc.

Instead he is writing for a paper that disgusts me... and he may be getting paid for it.

Whether he is getting paid for it or not... his name is associated with this paper.

It's my own personal opinion of course. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that enjoy this rag[Wink]


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